Chapter 20 ~ Unravelling

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Sexual Content Warning

Happy new year everyone!
Hope you're all doing well.

Chapter 20: Unravelling

My wolf lavished under Ebbe's attention, unaware of the time passing as he groomed me. Eyes fluttering shut in contentment, I nearly purred as he moved to clean my chest, my legs, paws, anywhere he could reach, until my fur was saturated in his scent. It had been too long since anyone had done this for me, and it was an important part of forming strong bonds between pack members. If I wasn't so lost in the sensation, I might have found it odd Ebbe wanted to do this at all.

I was aware the very second he pulled away. My eyes flew open to watch him flop next to me, belly exposed, tongue lolling out, and gaze expectant. I rolled my eyes at his silent demand. Even in fur, he got under my skin.

I wasn't ready to move but the way of the wolf dictated for me to return the favour, and the gods knew Ebbe had earned it.

Could wolves smirk? I swore he did as I rolled to my paws to groom him in return. A gentle nip to his ear reminded him I didn't have to do this, so to stop being an ass.

I started at his muzzle as he had mine, licking away the blood and gore that clung to his fur, moving lower until my scent covered him as his did mine. A few times I found myself nuzzling into him and had to quickly move on before he could notice. It secretly delighted me to be doing this for him, and hearing the rumble of his appreciation only spurred me on.

Once I was finished, Ebbe lifted up slightly to rub his cheek to mine in thanks. Gratefully, I flopped back beside him, still feeling too full to move much. After we both dozed off for a while, I shifted back to skin, sighing as I stretched my arms above my head.

"Even though we pulled it off, going after that bull was dangerous, Ebbe. You must be mad."

A soft chuckle told me he had shifted too and I dared to look over at him. Golden skin glowed under the light of a setting sun that caught tones of gold and dark brown in his hair. He shrugged easily, a lazy smile curling his lips.

"I knew we'd manage."

"But I didn't. And you know why." Rolling onto my side, I propped my head on my hand to look at him properly. Back was that frown that creased his brow and darkened blue eyes.

"Why do you pretend to be an omega?" I asked quietly, as if speaking softly would stop a bad reaction. Of course it didn't work.

Ebbe grunted and moved onto his back so I could only see half his face.

"I don't pretend," he argued.

"Yes, you do. Anyone that took the time to actually watch you would be able to see that. You're just too good at hiding yourself."

He glared, giving me another flash of the power he had and I quickly went about trying to avert another fight between us. I didn't want to keep falling out with him anymore, not when it wasn't fooling anyone. I wasn't even fooling myself anymore.

Besides, I truly did want to dig into just what made Ebbe tick.

"Not a liar then," I amended, unable to help but add with a smirk, "Just a pretender."

Blue eyes narrowed on me. "Not every wolf longs to be top of the pack, you know. For most of my life I had to fight for myself, for Gisli, so we could eat scraps that barely filled us, so males wouldn't think to touch my sister. Or me."

I stilled at that, the smirk falling from my lips. There was nothing to tease there, and the harsh truth of the way Ebbe had grown up was difficult to hear, even if he didn't go into grest detail. Tilting my head to show I was listening, he finally admitted what I wanted to know.

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