Chapter 24 ~ Freedom

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Chapter 24: Freedom

A swollen eye made threading the needle I held more difficult than it should have been. Katrina watched with Ásdís on her lap, her other daughter Tordis peering over my shoulder while I muttered in frustration. Tordis clicked her tongue when I finally managed to get the thread through the eye so I could finish making my own tunic.

“Why don’t you go play with your friends, Tordis,” Katrin suggested with a chuckle. “Leave Raeghan to work without your scolding.”

My lips twitched in amusement but I tried to pretend I was focussed on my work. Tordis sniffed. “I want to watch, and she promised she’d come with Hagan to give me a fighting lesson.”

“I swear I’ll keep that promise. You don’t gave to hover over me,” I teased.

Ever since I’d beaten Ebbe, and Ebbe Hagan, the pack had opened up a little more. They seemed more curious of me now, whether that was because I’d proven I was as strong as Orin or because Ebbe had suddenly started mingling with them more freely and happily, I wasn’t sure.

With a humph and muttered words, Tordis slid off the bench and went to chase after her friends playing in the water, disrupting it for the wolves trying to fish. My gaze caught Ebbe's, my cheeks warming at the intensity I found in his eyes. I knew he was mad about my black eye, and I was glad he hadn’t seen it happen. He’d done so well in the last week, holding his place above Hagan in rank, he didn’t need a moment of lost control at the sight of me hurt to push his progress back.

Fishing next to Aljana and the others, he nodded and spoke to them but his eyes never left mine. I had to shake my head to refocus, sewing up the last bit of fabric.

“A little closer together,” Katrin guided. “And don’t pull as tight, it’ll hold together.”

Doing as she said, I finished just as an exhausted and red-faced Fenna collapsed next to Katrin.

“That looks good,” she panted, gratefully accepting the water Katrin offered her.

“Thanks.” I grinned down at my new top, fingering the rough edges before smiling up at her again. “Do I want to know why you’re all out of breath and sweaty?”

Giving me a wicked grin, she pushed strands of damp hair away from her face. “Working with Jakkon. He told me to remind you that you’ll be leaving with the hunters tomorrow.”

Gods, had it really already been a week since Ebbe and I had talked and came to an understanding? As if summoned by my thinking of him, movement brought my gaze to the male himself making his way slowly over. I recognised the intent in his walk and heat pooled low in my belly. Realising Fenna was still waiting on some acknowledgement from me, I cleared my throat.

“I'll be ready. I wish you were coming though.”

“Och, you'll be fine. Someone has to stay here with Signy and I can’t take a chance to run around in the wild for a bit away from Orin. He’d do nothing but pout here.”

Katrin laughed but I still couldn’t get over how Fenna talked about Orin, like he was a cuddly pup and not a terrifying male that made even trees shudder when he walked. Though I was beginning to see his softer side, he’d been keeping a close eye on me lately after I'd shown up at his den sobbing.

Looking around, I frowned when I could no longer see Ebbe. I was so sure he’d been headed this way. Shaking my head, I stole a sip of Fenna's water then got to work on mending a year in one of Tordis' trousers for Katrin. Lost in concentration, my mind wandered to home. The pack would be preparing for the solstice too. Would they be doing a BBQ this year, or a ceilidh, in the hall or outside depending on the mood of the Scottish weather that could switch at the drop of a hat.

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