Chapter 7 ~ Council

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Chapter 7: Council

I made a face as Mum and Dad said goodbye to each other, kissing as if their lives depended on it. It wasn't like we'd be away for long, just over the weekend. Fenna chuckled as I shoved my suitcase in the boot, muttering to myself.

"Why do you look so glum? You've wanted to go to these council meetings since you were a pup. I thought you'd be excited," she said, folding her arms.

"I'm not glum," I argued, unable to help but glance over at where Ebbe stood sullenly next to his sister.

He hadn't so much as looked at me once since he got out of the basement. Now he'd be staying in my room with Gisli till I got back and I wanted to march over and tell him he could sleep anywhere else. I was tired of smelling his scent everywhere I went.

Fenna's gaze followed mine and my mood soured further when she mused, "Ah. I see."

"You don't see. He's an asshole."

She only grinned wider, patting my arm before winking up at Orin who stood like a body guard behind her. He offered me a small smile but whatever he was going to say was cut short when a shadow fell over me. I swallowed and forced a smile onto my face as I turned to my Alpha.

Fenna touched my shoulder and whispered by my ear, "Remember what I told you. It's not just about being the strongest, and you certainly don't have to charm anyone, you'd be terrible at it."

I tried to keep a straight face and reached back to squeeze her hand in thanks. Dad shifted on his feet, watching Fenna and Orin head towards the twins.

"Keep an eye on your mother for me," he said, before tipping my chin up. "And make sure you show these Alphas whose daughter you are. Make sure they remember you."

Surprise flickered to life and my mouth opened and shut a few times. No warnings for me to behave, or to make sure I treat Alphas with respect. I hadn't expected him to encourage me. I'd be sure to leave a lasting impressions now, to act as any first born male would even if he hadn't specifically said for me to do as much.

"I'm sure I can manage that," I said.

He chuckled and leaned down to press his cheek to mine. I smiled as I breathed in his scent only to be surprised again when he quickly hugged me too. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling a sense of relief.

"Don't get into too much trouble," he teased before urging me to the car.

I laughed and grinned, shrugging in a way that told him I couldn't promise that. Sliding into the car, I was still grinning. Excitement fluttered to life in my stomach again.

I was going to council! Something very few wolves could say they had done, and fewer females still. This was it. I was getting closer to my dreams now.

Mum did her usual overly cautious checks in the mirror before pulling off down the drive.

"I could have driven us," I said. She hated it, and I quite enjoyed it, but she hated the idea of me driving even more.

When she didn't answer, I followed her line of sight. My stomach flipped when I saw the wolf that was running alongside us, the shaggy grey and brown coat, and blue eyes giving away that it was the male I'd been cursing out for the last two days. I called him something unpleasant under my breath, pointedly looking away.

"Roadkill?" Mum snorted, and I cringed. I hadn't been quiet enough then. "What exactly did you two say to each other in the basement? You've been posturing around each other all day."

I frowned, looking over at her. "I thought you heard us on the cameras?"

She gave me a slightly scathing look that had my cheeks burning. "We saw you were down there but we didn't listen in. You're an adult, Raeghan, we wouldn't spy on you."

I mumbled an apology for jumping to that conclusion. Mum shook her head, a smile playing over her lips but she kept her eyes trained firmly on the road. She must have known a little of what had happened though, I'd let a enough slip. What was the harm in revealing a little more?

"He went from smiling and happy to calling me spoiled and narrow minded in a split second. That's what happened," I finally answered, folding my arms across my chest. "I don't want to talk about him. Tell me what to expect when we get to Edinburgh."

She gave me a quick sidelong glance but didn't question me anymore about Ebbe. I listened intently as she told me how the council worked and what might be spoken about. With no incidents being reported of either struggling packs or trouble with humans, she said it would be a quick gathering. I didn't mind that. This was my chance to simply watch and learn.

As country roads turned into a busy duel carriageway, conversation stopped. The concentration on my mum's face had me smirking out the window and watching houses and towns pass us by. I turned on the radio after a while and raked through the bag at my feet for the bottle of orange juice I'd packed.

Mum sung along to her favourites, even turning it up when The Chicks came on. I laughed, glad to see her finally relaxing. Only when we headed into the city did she quiet again and I turned down the volume for her.

I sat up in my seat. I'd been to a few smaller cities but none this big. Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, was a mix of ancient buildings amongst the new. Tourist shops selling knick-knacks, CD's, and t-shirts, interspersed with cafes, restaurants, and pubs filled with locals.

Mum drove slowly over cobbled streets that rattled my teeth until we pulled to a stop outside one of the higher end hotels. I quirked a brow at the number of stars the restaurant next to it boasted.

"Not what you were expecting?" she chuckled, peering up at the Georgian style building. "Alpha Joshua insists upon it now that Edinburgh is in his territory. Showing off has always been his forte."

"Mum!" I gasped, unable to believe she'd talk about another Alpha that way.

With a wink, she slid out of the car and walked around to the boot to grab our suitcases. I felt underdressed in my black skinny jeans, hoodie and off-white converse while the humans inside all seemed to shop in high end fashion shops. Red soled heels, that meant something expensive right?

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