Thirty two - same

542 35 7

Idk I just like this song it has nothing to really do with the chapter :P

Hey moon please forget to fall down
Hey moon don't you go down

I walked not school tired as heck. Ugh. But I noticed it right when I walked in...
"Choco?" I walk up to one of my other friends. I don't talk to him as much as the rest of the guys but we are often partners for assignments.

He was holding Kenny's, my other friends, hand. Last time I heard Choco didn't like gays.
"Oh... Preston! Hey bud. I heard about you and Vikk, also Rob and Lachlan and everyone then I realized I had a little person on my own mind." He turns to Kenny who kisses his cheek making him blush. Vikk wasn't even here, he had to stay at the hospital for one more day, but I planned visiting him after this all. Did everyone think we were boyfriends?

"See ya later pal." Kenny and Choco wave goodbye and walk to class. The thought befuddles my mind of how it happened so fast for them.
"Hey Preston!" I hear another voice call out. It was Tyler and Jason.

"Hey guys." They run up to me in each other's arms.
"We just wanted to make sure you were okay and wanted you to know you inspired us to get together. Their lips connect making me feel slightly awkward standing alone in front of them.

"That's great! I gotta go. Bye guys." I say probably more quickly then wanted. I walk/ run away from there, but am stopped yet again I mentally groan as Sky and Ty walk up to me.

They basically said the same thing, but I kind of zoned out. I thanked them and got away as quickly as I could. I was tired of all of them coming up to me telling me I influenced them when I don't even have a boyfriend! They should be going up to Jerome and Mitch or Rob and Lachlan, not me. Vikk isn't my boyfriend.

I'd be lying if I said I would mind it.

I sit away from my friends so I can think. I look at the clock and see I have half an hour before next class so I go to the Starbucks. Sure it takes me 15 minutes just to get there, but at this point I don't care. I just needed to get away and be able to think.

I get a coffee and sit at the same table I did last time. I stare out the window, the sky a bright blue compared to the light grey it was last time. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I see it's from Lachlan but I ignore it.

Sighing, I take a long drawn out sip of my coffee which sends a warm burst throughout my body, but it's just not the same as it used to be. It never will be.

Heartbeat (Wooflan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ