Thirty six - warm

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Sorry it's short... but hey you got to love the cliffhangers I mean what
Btw I've thought of an ending and I personally like it although you guys might not lol no one dies I promise

Preston's POV

After the game ended we just ended up sitting around and bantering on. I think that'll be a permanent word between us now.

I couldn't keep my gaze from falling on Vikk every five seconds it seems like, he was just so (majestic :P) beautiful. I noticed his gaze wasn't as confused as it used to be... was he getting his memory back? I wonder why he wasn't telling us.

I shake the thought out of my head and try to concentrate back in the conversation. At this point in time it was sleeping arrangements. I was tempted to ask if I could just sleep with Vikk but I restrain myself.

Oh God.

Did I really think that to myself? He probably doesn't even like me. Then again never say never. Oh God I don't need Justin Bieber stuck in my head. (no offense to Belibers and no hate plz)

After awhile we came to an agreement. Since downstairs had a really large couch and two recliners Vikk and I would get the couch and the other two couples would get the chairs.... not saying Vikk and I are a couple....

I wanted to ask him out but I couldn't bring my mind to it. What if the amnesia made him start liking girls? I sigh to myself as everyone else starts falling asleep, soft snores filling the room.

Lachlan's POV
I fell asleep quickly next to Rob. It was nice being able to cuddle with him and not have our friends judge. I mean real friends wouldn't judge you, but.... it's just so nice sometimes. His warm hits the back of my neck making me smile as he has already fallen asleep. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, it looks like the local police station. I look at it confused why the police would be calling me and wedge out of Rob's arms.

I answer the call hearing the gruff voice of the police officer on the other end. What he says next shocks me. This is when I realized the good moments in my life probably just ended.

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