Epilouge (a different one)

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Okay first of all, you don't need to cuss in the comments. (I deleted it) like seriously you know who you are and you really don't need to cuss and tell me what I should and shouldn't do okay? I'm not taking commands from a little butt who goes and tells someone what to do. Especially not when they cuss like that's just down right rude to tell someone to do something and cuss whole doing it *rant over*

I'm writing this because I felt I could've done something better so yay two epilogues! 😂I think you guys will enjoy this one more...

Lachlan's POV
I was waiting to pick up Addison from school when she ran up to the car crying. I immediately got out and picked her up. "What's wrong sweetie?" I ask wiping the tears in her eyes.

"M- my best friend. S- she said she loved me. As more than a friend. T- this other boy told h- her she was a freak a- and I got mad so I- I punched him.Please don't be mad at me." She cries even more and buries her face into my shirt. I stroke her back processing her words.

"It's okay. Just don't fight someone ever again. Alright?" I ask. She was only five years old, I knew she was just trying to protect her friend.
"S- so you aren't mad at me?" She lifts her head from my now tear-stained shirt. I nod and we walk got the car.

"Just remember not to punch someone again. Okay?" She smiles and nods from the back seat. "So a girl liked you huh?" She nods smiling and looking out the window.
"I think I like her too. I hope we can have a relationship just like yours and daddy's." She cheers making me smile driving home.

Okay so Addison's relationship with the girl is like one where you share graham crackers not like making out or anything just atypical kindergartner relationship 😂 and Rob doesn't *cough* um ya... he's still alive just not really mentioned since I guess Lachlan is like *The super Main Main Character*

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