Thirty eight - tired

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Idk I was just kind of pouring my emotions into this chapter it's nothing much tbh and it's not like one of those moments where someone's like 'you know I'm just sitting here crying NO BIG DEAL' it's not like that I swear I really don't like this chapter...

Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm looking right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
-Justin Timberlake

Jerome's POV
"Guys.... He- he left." Rob says sounding like he's about to burst into tears.
"What? What are you talking about Rob?" I ask into the phone. I out it on speaker so then everyone can hear.

"L-Lachlan. He left the police station. I'm not sure where he went. I'm afraid about what's he's going to do."

"Don't worry Rob. We'll find him." Preston comes trying to calm his friend down.
"Th- that's the thing. I'm not sure if we'll make it in time."

Warning- Self-harm please don't read if you'll can't handle it. Remember those who live you like me and be sting because you're worth every penny and every nickel and every dime, and every quarter (I only know American money I'm sorry) and every single piece of money in the world

My mind races, but I arrived at the place I meant to go. I search along the door frame for the key and find it in it's usual spot. (don't put a spare key on the door frame that's dangerous his has been really obvious advice with Kylie)

I rushed into my old bathroom finding my blade in it's usual spot. My wrists burned for something. Something pushing against them. Something sharp. I brush the dust off. It's been forever since I've done it. I push the blade against my wrist letting my tears flow down my cheek.

My mind drifts off as the blood drips down my wrist. My mind just wants to stop. Stop my heart from beating. I wish it would. I wish I wasn't crying right now. I wish I wasn't hurting anyone. I wish I wasn't here. I look seeing 10 lines. I choke out some sound tears still streaming down my cheeks.

I couldn't handle the pain. In my heart or in my wrist. It wasn't worth it. I rush and take the bandages back and cover up the scars. I look in my mirror seeing my usually blue eyes a now dull color. I look in the corner seeing the entrance to my sister's only room. Memories cloud of my thoughts. Bad one.

Rage rushes through my body as they start to slowly eat away my saneness. my mind starts working itself. I've lost myself. My hands beg to touch something and they connect with my mirror smashing it to pieces. I take the glass into my hands stinging as they make the small cuts but I drag them across my skin.

Why was I doing this? I'm only hurting myself. I can't help but hurt myself. My eyes ran out of tears to cry and I just sit dropping the sharp shards. I rub my eyes. I try to push the memories away but I cant. They always come back. They always do. Why can't I just push them away?

I pick up on of the biggest shards and stare at my reflection. I could only see one of my eyes when I held move it up, but one was enough. My dull gray eyes were red and puffy, but my pupils were more dilated. I set the shard down and take off the bandages so the blood was free to flow now. My head starts to get dizzy as I slowly slip away. I was tired.

Tired of everything.

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