Chapter 15

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Kellin's POV:
I woke up at 6 AM because I really had to pee. For some reason I wasn't tired at all either. It was Friday, so I was instantly in a good mood. We also had Tay's party tomorrow which was another thing to look forward to. I wriggled out of Vic's grip and went to the bathroom. I washed my hands and stood there for a second. I was never going to fall back asleep now.

I went into my apartment and grabbed clothes. Now that I thought about it, I realized that there is really no point of me having this apartment. I'm never in it. I'm not going to ask Vic to move in though, thats pushy and I don't want to scare him away or anything.

I got dressed for work even though I had two hours and went down to the diner. I grabbed two sausage egg and cheese sandwiches and two coffees and went back home. It was 6:25 so Vic would be waking up in five minutes. I got to his apartment and opened the door, almost having a heart attack. "Shit! Vic I thought you were sleeping!" I shouted, clutching my chest.

He laughed before responding. "Calm down Kellin, when you left I woke up. Oooh what do you got there?" He said, walking over and looking in the bag. "Sausage egg and cheese sandwiches and coffee." I said happily. I took out one of the sandwiches and handed it to him. "You're the best, I was actually starving!" Vic said, unwrapping the sandwich. "That wouldn't have been good would it?" I laughed, sitting down on the couch. We ate and watched the news for about an hour.

"Well it's time to go." Vic said, crumpling up his tin foil from the sandwich and shooting it into the trash can. "Alright, lets head out, babe." I said, wrapping up the half of the sandwich I didn't eat and stuffing it in the fridge. I turned around and looked at Vic, who was staring at me with a stupid grin on his face. "What?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. "Nothing, its just you called me babe." Vic said, holding out his hand for me to take.

"Wait, do you like it or not?" I asked, watching his face as we walked into the elevator. "Its adorable." Vic said, wrapping his arms around me before pecking my lips. The doors closed and the elevator started to go down. I smiled and kissed him again, pushing his back against the wall. Suddenly the elevator stopped and the doors opened, we quickly pulled away from each other. "Woah, hey guys sorry to interrupt." Jack said, standing on the other side of the elevator.

"So what's up, Jack?" Vic asked, crossing his arms. "Not much, just working at the bar and finishing up school." He said with a sigh. "Life has been pretty boring for us too." I said, looking at Vic who smiled. The elevator doors opened and we all walked out. I waved at Alex who didn't notice, he was too preoccupied watching Jack walk over. We got in the car and headed to work.

I made Vic stop at Starbucks before work because I wanted an iced coffee. When we walked in, Seth was locked away in his office just like he had been all week. I really didn't understand why he was in there all the time now. Ever since I started working here, he had been out and about helping customers and flirting with anyone he could. This wasn't like him and I knew something was up. I just couldn't figure it out.

I sat down and got to work, checking e-mails, voicemails, mail. I had five appointments today which I wasn't too excited about. The first four appointments were okay, usual and boring. The second my fifth client walked in the door, I knew I was going to have a problem. A guy walked in and sat down in the chair in front of me. "Now you must be Kellin." He said with a smirk. I gave a fake smile and nodded, taking Vic's advice and not letting him get to me. "Yup, that's me." He chuckled and looked me up and down, from what he could see with my desk in the way.

"I knew you were Kellin, a hot name for a hot guy. He sighed and leaned back in his chair. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Really? Couldn't you just tell by my name tag?" I said in a monotone voice, pointing to the name tag on my chest. He seemed taken back a little by my sarcasm. "Uh haha guess so." The man said, looking anywhere but at me. I heard Vic snort from the other side of the wood separating us.

I started helping the man set up his account, filling in his information. I was crunching numbers and typing in his records when he started talking again. "You don't really seem like someone who would work at a bank." He said with an amused voice. He knew he was bothering me but he continued. I really hate men sometimes, even though I am one myself. Guys are just douches.

I just nodded and continued typing. "Alright, you don't seem to be getting it. I think you're hot, you should go on a date with me. Can I have your number?" I mentally screamed. "No thanks." I said, not even bothering to look up from my computer screen. "Well, why not?" He said, getting a little more frustrated. "Isn't no enough of an answer?" I said, looking up at him. "No actually, I want an answer." He said, looking at me harshly.

I was a little intimidated but I wasn't going to let it show. "I already have a boyfriend if you're dying to know." I said, rolling my eyes before going back to typing. "Don't roll your eyes at me, I can go and complain about you! You probably don't even have a boyfriend!" He said, almost shouting. I heard a chair roll back and Vic walked over. "Hi, I'm his boyfriend and I'm pretty sure I exist." Vic said, standing next to me.

"Just let him finish up your account and forget this situation, alright?" The guy sighed and waved Vic off. "Whatever." After what felt like two hours of the guy staring at me, I finished his account and he left. The rest of the day was boring as hell. We didn't have anyone else come in the rest of the day. After work, Vic went with Jaime to watch a soccer game. I was really tired and I don't really like soccer so I just went home. I got into bed and fell asleep at 8:00.

Heyyy, so I'm not positive, but I think there will only be a few more chapters! Hope you enjoy!

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