Chapter 2

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Vic's POV:

By 11:00 Kellin had figured out how to do almost everything. He was helping some lady deposit money when I heard a couple taps against the wood separating Kellin and me. "What's up?" I said sticking my head out so Kellin could see me. "Hey Vic can you help me show the amount of money on the screen I kinda forget." He whispered the last part so the lady couldn't hear him. "okay Kells no problem." I said, easily typing on his keyboard and fixing the problem. I smiled and looked over at a blushing Kellin... wait... why is he blushing?

Kellin's POV:

"Kells" "KELLS" he called me freaking "KELLS" I feel like a 12 year old FANGIRL! Why is this man affecting me so damn much? After Vic helped me he went back to his desk. The lady I was helping left after a few minutes and I was left to be bored. The bank quickly emptied until there were no customers. I rolled my chair over to Vic. "whatcha doin Viccy?" I asked. "Not much Kells just scrolling through tumblr." Vic replied "This is what I usually do when no one is here... You should make a tumblr, I could help you make it if you want" Vic said happily.

In a matter of seconds, Vic made me a tumblr with a sick background and helped me find some blogs that post stuff about bands and crap I like.

Vic's POV:

I was sitting on tumblr after helping Kellin make one of his own when I heard a frustrated sound from his desk. "what's wrong" I asked concerned. "It's just that... ugh it takes so much work to click reblog and then having to click again!" Kellin shouted angrily. I laughed and pushed Kellin over a little so I had room to use his mouse. "Well Kells I think I'll show you a magic trick" I said with a smirk. I held down option and z while clicking on the reblog button, instantly reblogging the picture. Kellin's eyes went wide and he just stared at me like I was a wizard or something.

Today was a pretty slow day to be honest. I had about five people come to my desk, the rest of the time I talked to Kellin. Speaking of Kellin, he was pretty amazing if i do say so myself. We liked the same music, hated the same things, had the same childish sense of humor. While we were playing some stupid hand game we remembered from when we were kids Jenna walked over. "Hey Viccy" Jenna said to me, then turning to Kellin,  "oh yeah hi my name is Jenna" Kellin smiled and nodded "hi I'm Kellin nice to meet you." I don't understand he is like a cute little puppy thats all happy and playful. I could stare at him for hours. Jenna and Kellin talked for a while getting to know each other  until she got a phone call and walked outside to take it. Kellin turned to me smiling. "Hey she' pretty cool." I laughed agreeing "yeah she is pretty awesome, she never judges people" I said. 

Later on I was just sitting at my desk tapping my pen to some song stuck in my head when Kellin tapped my shoulder pulling me from my little trance. "Hey Vic wanna get some food  or something I'm starving." Now that I thought about it I realized I hadn't eaten yet today or last night so I agreed and we got up to go. We walked down the street to a Mcdonalds and went in. We both ordered burgers and sat down. I payed for Kellin's food cause I still want to make a good first impression on him. Me paying for Kellin's food made him pretty happy which made me happy. I noticed Kellin took a really long time eating his food. He took really small bites and after every bite he would put down the burger and wait till he finished chewing until he picked it back up again. I don't know why but I always catch myself noticing small things about Kellin. After we both finished eating I cleaned up our trays and threw our garbage out. I turned around to go sit back down when I noticed Kellin wasn't there anymore. I looked all around, finally catching a glimpse of his black hair running towards the kids play area.

I followed him and watched him climb up one of the tunnel things into the whole jungle-gym. Kellin climbed up ontop of the monkeybars, swinging his legs back and forth. "Whats the matter Viccy? Scared of heights" Kellin laughed. I ran up the tunnel jumping up onto the monkeybars trying to impress Kellin. I sat next to him and smiled. "No actually I'm not scared of heights at all." I said simply. I hopped off the monkey bars and stood underneath them, looking up at Kellin... secretly checking out his ass. "Enjoying the view" Kellin laughed from above me. "Actually I am" I replied. Kellin laughed and went to get down, his laugh faded and he looked at me. "Uhhh Vic I think I'm stuck." Kellin said quietly. "Kellin just jump down, if you fall I'll catch you don't worry you'll be okay." I said. Kellin nodded and went to jump down but fell too far foward, falling awkwardly. I caught him and he smiled at me. I smiled back, looking into his eyes. After a couple seconds it started to get a bit awkward so I put him down and cleared my throat. "I-I think its time we head back to the bank" I said waling towards the door. Kellin followed me and we walked back to work.

By the end of the day Kellin and I were talking about upcoming concerts and warped tour as we were packing up to leave. I decided to ask Kellin if he needed a ride and he agreed so we headed to my car and drove out of the parking lot. 

"Kells where do you live?" I ased, turning down the volume of my car radio so I could hear his reply. "I live in the apartment complex on the corner of King street" Kellin said simply. My mouth dropped open, "Kells I live there too, room 217" I said excitedly. Kellin smiled "I'm in room 218!" Kellin said. How did we not notice eachother yet? I drove to the apartment and we went up the elevator. We got to our floor and stopped outside my door. "Wanna come in for some dinner? I have ramen noodles if you're interested." I said hoping the answer was yes. Kellin nodded and we walked into my apartment.

I made the noodles  easily and gave a bowl to Kellin. We sat on my couch watching tv. I sat close to Kellin, even though there was enough room for me to sit farther away. my hand brushed against Kellins as I reached for the remote causing him and myself to blush. We ate in silence and when we were done I cleaned up. "Thanks Vic... for everything" I heard Kellin say from behind me. "It was no big deal Kells really" I said simply. Kellin cut me off, "No really you showed me how to work the computer, you payed for my lunch, you freaking caught me when I fell, you drove me home and you even made me dinner. Kellin said. I guess I made a good first impression on Kellin, I thought to myself. Kellin walked towards me pulling me into a hug causing my heart to flutter. I hugged him back tightly and we stayed like that for a couple seconds. "If you need anything don't hesitate to come get me" I said seriously. "Actually take this and come in whenever you need something" I said handing Kellin a key to my apartment. Kellin smiled and nodded. "I'll visit all the time don't worry Viccy" Kellin said with a giggle. "I'm gonna go back to my place now and get ready for bed so I'll see you later." Kellin said cheerfully. I smiled and walked him to the door. "See you later Kells, feel free to barge in anytime you want." I said opening the door. "Will do Vic" Kellin said. "Oh and since it's the weekend tomorrow do you wanna hang out or something?" Kellin asked me. I nodded and smiled "definetly" I said "Well see you tomorrow Kells" I said waving and closing the door. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall. A couple seconds later I heard a a knock on my door. I opened it and Kellin was standing there awkwardly. "Hey uhh Vic I kinda locked myself out of my apartment." 

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