Chapter 11

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Hi happy New Year's Eve! It's 5 AM and I haven't slept so I decided to write. Hope it isn't shitty!

Kellin's POV:
I woke up in my old bed with Vic's arms around me and I smiled. 'This is like the first time I ever woke up before him.' I thought to myself. I carefully unattached him from me and got up. I walked down to the kitchen and decided to make a pot of coffee for everyone like I used to do every day. I was looking for the coffee when my sister came down and sat at the table. "Just like the old days." She said, watching me rip open the container.

"Yup, is mom still asleep?" I asked, while filling up the machine with water. Kailey nodded, taking out the makings for waffles. "Is Vic still asleep?" Kailey asked, trying to reach something on a high shelf. "Yeah which is weird because usually he wakes up like two hours before me." I said, shaking my head. Vic is crazy, why does he like mornings so much? It usually takes me like at least an hour to wake up properly, but Victor on the other hand is like boop! Awake!

"So Kailey when are you going to find yourself a boyfriend? If I could do it so can you." I said, with a laugh. She scoffed, "Well who the hell am I going to meet at that teeny tiny college I go to?" She defended herself. I stood there thinking for a few seconds before giving her an answer. "OH MY GOD YOU CAN SLEEP OVER MY APARTMENT AND ILL STAY IN VICS APARTMENT AND YOU CAN GO OUT AND MINGLE!" I said excitedly. She just stared at me like I was insane.

"First of all it's like 7AM, pipe the fuck down. And also I don't know Kellin I don't want to kick you out of your house. That's a dick move." She said, mixing the batter for the waffles in a huge bowl. "The only dick you'll be moving is Vic's into my ass. Just stay and meet the love of your life would you?!" I can't believe I said that. Kailey just put the bowl down and walked into the bathroom. I felt my face heat up and I turned on the coffee machine. I just said that to my little sister.

A couple seconds later Kailey came out and started mixing the waffles again. "Sorry I needed a moment." Was all she said. "So will you come?" I asked, clasping my hands together."only if you promise to never say that phrase again." I clapped and nodded. "Deal" I said happily. How long till the waffles are done? I want to go wake up Vic." I asked, looking over her shoulder at the waffle maker. "Like two minutes, go wake up your precious Vic." She said in a mocking tone.

I went upstairs and stood in the doorway, thinking about how I should wake Vic up. I snuck over and kissed his neck lightly, moving up his jawline and back down to his collarbone. He groaned and stretched. "Mhmmmhey" he said before opening his eyes. "There's coffee and waffles downstairs if you want them." I said, kissing his cheek.. "Coming, thanks for the wake up." He said, smiling at me. "My pleasure." I said, quickly pecking him on the lips before going back downstairs.

"Where's loverboy?" Kailey asked, putting the waffles on the table. "Coming" I sang happily before sitting down. "I'm excited for you to visit! I'll show you all around the city and stuff it will be so much fun!" Kailey just shook her head. "You're a dork." She said, sitting down and eating. Vic walked downstairs and sat next to me. "Morning everybody." He said before plopping two waffles on his plate.

No more than two seconds later my mom walked down and sat next to Kailey. "Hello boys did you sleep well?" She asked us. I just nodded and went back to eating because I was damn hungry. "I slept really well thanks, that bed is insanely comfy." Vic said, starting a conversation as usual. "So Vic, how's my Kellin treating you?" My mom asked. I looked at Vic and smiled. "He's treating me wonderfully. We have a lot of fun together." He said, secretly nudging my knee under the table.

"And what do you two do for fun?" Kailey asked with a smirk on her face. "Well we watch a lot of movies and play video games." Vic said cooly. I know for a fact that if I was in that position I would have been a blabbering mess. "That sounds nice." My mom said, oblivious to what was happening. We finished eating and Vic insisted on cleaning up. I called him a teachers pet, he didn't care.

"Kells what time are we heading back?" Vic asked while we were playing outside with the dogs. "Ummm I guess we can leave now. I want to get home and take a nice shower, possibly with you in it." I said, smiling cheekily at Vic. "Sounds good, I'm in." Vic said smiling back at me. We said goodbye to everybody and got in the car, heading back to the life of work and horrible bosses.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Another filler I guess. Sorry for sucking.

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