Chapter 16

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So I started my next story and I'm honestly so excited about it. Its going to be called "That was then, this is now" Like in the ADTR song City of Ocala. I really can't wait to post it! I think there is only going to be four more chapters after this one, but don't worry! There will definitely be a sequel!

Vic's POV:

After the soccer game with Jaime, I went back to my apartment and went to sleep. I was going to need it for tomorrow considering we were going to be partying. It had been a little while since I had my whole bed to myself and I don't know how I feel about it. Actually, yes I do. It fucking sucks. I kind of missed Kellin, even though it had only been a few hours and he was right across the hall.

I wasn't tired. It was 1 AM and I wasn't freaking tired. I was getting frustrated, in more ways than one. Kellin and I hadn't had sex all week because we've been so busy. I thought about last week when we were in the shower. That didn't help. Kellin was just so attractive, he was always on my mind.

I was really contemplating just walking across the hall and getting into bed with him. I didn't see a point in Kellin having that apartment anymore. He spends all his time in here anyway, he practically lives over here already. I wasn't going to ask him though, maybe he likes being alone sometimes. I was laying there, staring at the ceiling of my room. Its hard sleeping without having someone to wrap your arms around.

"Fuck it." I muttered to myself, pushing my blanket off me and walking across the hall. I unlocked his door and walked in. I was expecting it to be quiet and dark, I was wrong. Kellin was laying on the couch watching tv. He looked up at me and smiled. "Hey what brings you here, cutie?" He said, sitting up so there was room for me.

"Couldn't sleep." I said happily, sitting next to him. I crossed my legs and sat facing him. He did the same and faced me, smiling. "Me either, I went to sleep at eight and I woke up an hour ago." Kellin said, taking my hand in his. I smiled and leaned in closer, kissing him lightly. Kellin barely reacted, messing with me. He smirked evilly. I kissed him again, and again. Nothing.

"I've been thinking about you all night." I said quietly, brushing the hair out of his face. "Oh, really?" Kellin said, biting his lip lightly. I nodded and kissed him again. He finally kissed back and I sighed into the kiss. We kissed lazily for a while, not turning it into anything else. Kellin moaned quietly into my mouth and I smiled. "I love you." he said against my lips. "I love you too." I said, pulling away and looking into his eyes.

I kissed him one more time before laying down on my side. Kellin did the same with his back against my chest and we watched tv. We both quickly fell asleep, content with each other's company.

"Hey assholes! Wake the fuck up you have to help me with Tay's party!" Jenna said, waking us up. "Jenna, you really need to stop doing that! Why can't you just call like a normal person?" I said, burying my head behind Kellin. "I'm not a normal person." Jenna said with a laugh, sitting down in the chair next to us.

"How did you get in here anyways?" Kellin groaned. "Your door was open, and since you guys weren't in Vic's apartment I just guessed you were in here." She said, taking out her phone. "Anyways, Tay went to the spa, so I have like two hours to finish getting the apartment ready. I'm assigning you two with getting us drinks. Get enough for about 20 people I'll give you guys money." Jenna said, opening her purse.

"No don't give us any money, think of it as our present. Now if you don't mind, get out." Jenna smiled and stood up. "You guys are great, I'll leave you too it." Jenna said, getting up and leaving.

"Well I'm going to get dressed and go get some alcohol I guess." I said, standing up and stretching. "Wait I wanna come with you." Kellin said, standing up. "Ok fine, you can tag along." I said, fake sighing in annoyance. "Wait, what time is it anyways?" Kellin asked, taking his phone off the coffee table. "Oh my god its two in the afternoon!" I couldn't believe it, I've never slept that late in my life.

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