Chapter 14

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I'm so sorry I didn't update last week, I was on vacation and I started writing a new story that I'll probably upload after I finish this one.

Vic's POV:

The annoying beeping sound that I call my alarm clock woke me up. "Beep beep to you too." Kellin groaned, shoving a pillow over his face. I slapped the stupid alarm, shutting it off. "Maybe Seth is stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean so he won't be at work." I said while yawning. I got up and went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth before getting dressed. When I came out of the bathroom, Kellin was sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of cereal and watching cartoons. "You're quiet today." I said, sitting next to Kellin. "I hate mornings and everything on earth besides you." Kellin muttered, taking a bite of his cereal.

"Grumpy Kellin." I said smiling, pulling his spoon from his hands and taking a bite of his cereal. "Hey grabby get your own!" Kellin said, taking his spoon out of my mouth. I stood up and took his face in my hands, pressing my lips to his. "We can cuddle and do nothing after work, I promise." I said, causing Kellin to smile and nod. "Sounds good." We just sat there eating for a few minutes. "I'm horny." Kellin groaned. I choked on my cereal. "Nice to know." I chuckled.

After we finished eating, we drove up to work. "Right back at it again." Kellin sighed. I held the door open for him and we went inside. "Boys! Over here!" Jenna called us over to her desk. "Seth is in a weird mood today, just warning you." I nodded and Kellin fist bumped her. "Thanks for the warning." I said. Kellin sat on the corner of Jenna's desk. "So what's up?" He asked her. "Nothing much, I really hope we get let out early or something today, it's Tay's birthday and I want to do something special for her." Jenna said with a smile. "We'll get her something too! Birthdays are so exciting!" Kellin said, high fiving Jenna.

We said goodbye to Jenna and went to our area. Seth was locked away in his office, doing who knows what. I turned on my computer and checked all the accounts I was up in charge of. Work was honestly so boring. This account is low on balance this accounts is being cancelled this account scheduled a meeting next week. I don't know if I can do this much longer. I was actually getting a lot of stuff done. Paperwork, appointment schedule, boring shit. All done.

I sighed and looked at the door. No customers whatsoever. Maybe Jenna is right, maybe we'll get to leave early. I let my mind wander and I blanked out, staring at the wall. Randomly, Kellin tapped my shoulder really fast and wouldn't stop. "What, Kells?" I asked, looking at him. "Just wanted to remind you, I'm still horny." He whispered, holding my hand under the desk. "Well there's nothing we can do about it now. You'll have to wait."

Kellin groaned. "What am I supposed to do? I finished all my boring work and obviously we aren't having any customers today." He said before pushing away from his desk and spinning in his chair quickly. I laughed and watched him. He was leaning his head back and closing his eyes. I was getting dizzy just watching him. I shook my head and went back to work when Seth came out. "Hey everyone, by the looks of it, we're gonna be leaving early. Just thought I'd tell you"

"Yes!" Kellin shouted, throwing his hands in the air as he continued to spin. "Kellin you're gonna get motion sick." I laughed. He had been spinning for about five minutes. "You don't know that." Kellin said, crossing his arms. "Whatever Kells." I didn't know what to do with myself so I needed up organizing my files on my computer.

"Kellin, why are you still spinning?" I asked, not looking up from my computer. I was carefully moving my files around on the screen so they were perfectly aligned. "I was going to stop five minutes ago, but then you said I was gonna make myself sick, so I'm proving you wrong." Kellin said in his 'I'm right, don't fight me on this' voice that has became so familiar to me. He had been spinning for about ten minutes now. If I'm going to admit one thing, its that he looked really cute."Kellin that's stupid." I sighed, turning towards him. "Well you're stupid!" Kellin said, lifting his head up before stopping.

"Woooahhh shit, everything is spinning." Kellin groaned, holding his head in his hands. "Told you." I smirked, knowing that being wrong was Kellin's least favorite thing in the whole world. "Shut up burrito-face!" Kellin said, glaring at me. I gasped dramatically. "You didn't." I whispered. "Oh, I did." Kellin smirked. "You're gonna get it later." I said casually, turning back to my computer. Kellin laughed quietly.

An hour later, Seth came out of his office again. "You guys can leave." He said, waving all of us off. Kellin high fived me and we got our stuff together. "Guys!" Jenna said, walking towards us. "Tay's party, friday night, my place, be there." She said, handing me an invitation. "Who sends out invitation cards anymore?" Kellin laughed. Jenna glared at him, "I do, dickhead. See you guys tomorrow." She said, smiling and waving as she walked away.

We walked to the car and Kellin took the keys out of my hand. "I haven't driven in so long." He said, shrugging. I got in the passenger's side and watched as Kellin got in next to me. He pulled out of the parking lot and started driving home. I watched him. Concentrating on the road, he bit his lip slightly. He easily controlled the wheel, keeping it steady. "You look good when you drive." I said, he smiled and looked at me. "You look good when you're sitting." He said, I laughed and turned on the radio.

"Someone has to do something about these radio stations, they're horrific!" Kellin complained. I agreed before taking out my phone. "What are you doing?" Kellin asked, glancing at me before looking back at the road. "Calling the radio station." I said simply. "Hello? K105 today's hits? Yes hi, just wondering why you don't play any good music?" I said to the person on the other end. I locked my phone and put it away. "They hung up." I laughed and Kellin laughed with me. Suddenly someone cut him off, causing us to stop short. "Asshole, learn to fucking drive!" Kellin screamed. So Kellin has road rage.

We got home and went into bed, turning on the tv and putting on netflix. "Lets make out and watch movies!" Kellin said excitedly. I nodded and jumped onto the bed, Kellin following me. We ended up watching four movies. I had Kellin on my lap and my back against the headboard of my bed. "Why can't we just do this every day?" Kellin asked, leaning his head on my shoulder. "That would be pretty awesome." I said, lightly kissing his neck. He giggled and I wrapped my arms around him. "I love you." Kellin said, I squeezed him tightly."I love you too, Kells." I said, kissing the top of his head.

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