Chapter 3

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Sorry I have taken so long to update this story, I've just been busy with the other story and stuff. I don't know what made me start a second story while writing one already. I'll try to write more c:

Kellin's POV:

Vic chuckled when I told him I locked myself out of my apartment and quickly let me into his. I smiled and walked through the door. "So you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch" Vic said with a smile. No way I would take his bed from him. "No Vic really its fine I'll sleep on the couch" I said. Vic just shook his head and motioned for me to follow him into his room. He went into his closet and got a pair of pajama pants and a plain tshirt for me to wear. I smiled and said thanks before going into the bathroom and getting changed.

I got changed and walked back out into the living room where Vic was setting up some pillows and a blanket for himself. "Really just sleep in your bed Vic I'll sleep here" I said to Vic. He just sighed and looked at me. "Kellin I will not make you sleep on this shitty couch, you are sleeping in my bed and thats final" Vic said faking being serious. "Okay mom" I joked. Vic stuck out his tongue causing me to laugh. I sat in the chair next to the couch and watched Vic set up a bed for himself, taking the time to check him out. He really was extremely attractive. Everything about him was attractive. The way he walked, talked, laughed, just his presence screamed attractive. Vic stood up and looked at me. "Well Kells I'm gonna hop in the shower try not to break anything while I'm gone" Vic joked and walked into his bathroom.

I was playing games on my phone when I heard singing come from the bathroom. I turned off the sound on my phone and listened to Vic sing If It Means A Lot To You by ADTR. I felt my heart flutter. His voice was fucking beautiful! After a couple of minutes I heard the water shut off and Vic stop singing. He came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, taking my breath away. He was absolutely stunning. He walked into his room and closed the door.

When he came out he sat on the couch next to me and smiled. "You have an amazing voice Vic" I said looking him dead in the eye. Vic quickly went red and looked down. "Uhh thanks Kells I didn't know you could hear me." Vic said chuckling. "Well I did and you were fucking amazing dude I didn't know you could sing." I said excitedly. Vic shrugged his shoulders before looking at me and smiling. "I play guitar too" Vic said causing me to smile and clap my hands like a child. "Show me show me pleaseee" I whined. Vic got up and went into his room quickly returning with a guitar in his hands. He sat down and looked at me. "Any requests" he said with a chuckle. I thought for a couple seconds before replying. "Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls" I said happily. Vic started playing and I was shocked at how good he was. He looked at me and laughed "I hope you know you're singing this time" he said. My eyes went wide and I shook my head but Vic only nodded "do it" he said. I sighed and agreed.

When Vic stopped playing the guitar we just looked at each other. Vic smiled, "Kellin you're an amazing singer" Vic said happily. I just shook my head again, feeling my face heat up. "I'm alright" I said shyly. Vic looked at me and laughed. "Kellin your voice is perfect" he said and got up, playfully slapping my arm and putting his guitar back into his room. I tried to control the feelings of affection I felt towards this man and calmed myself down. Vic came back into the room and we talked for a while before I got up to go to bed. "We'll do something fun tomorrow, I promise" Vic said with a yawn and got under his blankets and went to sleep. Despite the fact I was in someone else's bed i fell asleep very quickly. I felt safe here for some reason.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I felt my stomach growl so I got up and walked into the kitchen area of Vic's apartment. "Vic you really didn't have to go through all this trouble." I said quietly. Vic just smiled at me and flipped a pancake. "No Kells its fine I love cooking." He said simply, putting one last pancake on the plate and carrying it over to the table. I sat down and Vic sat across from me. "Help yourself" Vic said putting pancakes on his own plate.

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