Chapter 12

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Christmas break is over and I'm not sure how fast updates will be. I'll try to update at least once a week though :)

Vic's POV:

Kellin's family was actually really nice. The whole experience was great, I don't think I got on the bad side of any of his family members. When we got back to the building, I got a text from Jaime asking to hang out. I agreed and left Kellin, he said he wanted to hang out with his friend Justin anyways. I drove over to Jaime's apartment and walked in, he never locked his door which was really stupid.

"Jaime? Where are you homie?" I said, sitting down on his lumpy couch. Jaime walked out of his room and sat next to me. "Video games?" Was all he said. I nodded and we played. "So did you go through with your promise?" He asked while we were playing. I was already beating him. "Yeah we're dating." I said simply. Jaime cheered and slapped my shoulder.

After a while of us playing in silence, Jaime spoke. "You remember that quiet kid Tony from high school." I thought about it for a few seconds. "Oh yeah, you always tried talking to him and he kind of just brushed you off." I chuckled. Tony was the kid that preferred to be alone. I had a feeling he was a cool guy and we always tried to include him in stuff, but he always turned us down. Jaime had a big crush on him in high school.

"Well believe it or not, I ran into him at the store and we hit it off. He said he would meet me later at the bar so we can hang out." Jaime said, practically beaming. "It's the date you've been waiting for." I joked, patting him on the shoulder. "So does he look any different?" I was pretty curious to find out more about him. Jaime smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah. He has a bunch of awesome tattoos. He looks amazing."

Good for Jaime. I remember at graduation, he asked Tony for his number so they could keep in touch and Tony blew him off, saying he wasn't ready for a relationship. Jaime was heart broken.

We ended up just ordering pizza and playing video games for the whole night. In the middle of my 4th slice of pizza I got a call from Kellin. "Um Vic, where are you?" He whispered frantically. "Jaime's house what's wrong? I can barely hear you." I asked carefully. "I walked to the gas station to get a monster and the worker here is really freaky and I'm hiding in the bathroom." He whispered a little louder.

The gas station wasn't that far away so I said I would come get him. "Hime-time I gotta go save the day. My boyfriend is in trouble." I said, putting on my jacket. Jaime saluted me. "Good luck later with Tony!" I said before closing the door.

I drove to the gas station and jogged in, going to the back where the bathroom is. I knocked quietly before whispering. "Kells it's me." He quickly unlocked the door and hugged me. "Thank you. He was creeping me out!" He whisper-shouted. I took his hand and led him to the drink section. "Get your monster, I'll protect you." I said, kissing his cheek. He smiled and nodded, picking out the blue monster. We walked to the front where a tall guy was sitting behind the counter. "That's him" Kellin whispered.

"Oh you're back. I was sad, a pretty little thing like you is awful to miss." I gagged in my mouth. "I don't appreciate you talking to my boyfriend like that. He just wants to buy his drink, leave him alone, alright?" I said, putting the drink on the counter. I was staring right into the man's eyes. "What are you gonna do about it shorty?" The guy said to me, staring right back. "I took boxing for five years, so I think I know what I'll do about it. I don't think we have a problem do we? Because it's not worth it, but if I need to defend my boyfriend I won't hesitate to punch you in the face." I said calmly, putting two bucks on the counter and sliding it towards him.

He rolled his eyes and took the money, putting it in the cash register. "Keep the change." I sighed, giving the monster to Kellin and talking his hand in mine. We left and walked to the car. "Thanks, Vic. He was bothering me so much." Kellin groaned when we got in the car. I squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Kells don't let assholes like him bother you, they're brainless." I laughed. Kellin kissed me and we drown away.

"Vic I feel like the night isn't over yet." Kellin said. "What do you mean?" I asked confused as to where he was going with that. "Well why don't we go out to a bar or something. I don't want to go home yet." I saw him looking at me out of the corner of my eye. "Fine, but we can't go too crazy, we have work tomorrow." I said seriously. I've been there before, being drunk at the bank is the worst thing ever. All those numbers Really hurt your head.

"I've never been to this place before." I said, parking the car next to what looked like a crowded bar. "Looks fun, but I need to pee first." Kellin said, quickly getting out of the car. He ran in before me and I stood at the bar, saving a seat for him. The second I sat down a guy came up to me. "Is this seat taken?" He asked in a sweet voice. He was obviously flirting with me. "Um yes actually-" "You're really cute, I've never seen you here before. I'm Matt, and you are?" I sighed. "I'm Vic, and you seem really nice but I'm here with-" "Maybe you can buy me a drink or something and then we can get out of here."

I was about to answer when someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. Kellin grabbed me by the jacket and smashed his lips on mine. The things he does to me I swear I'll never get used to him. After a couple seconds he pulled away and turned around to face this Matt guy. "Hi, I see you've met my boyfriend Vic. Whatever you're offering him I can do ten times better and make him happier than you can. So why don't you scurry along because he isn't interested."

I'm pretty sure my mouth was wide open. Kellin was standing there with an annoyed expression on his face. "Well, why don't we let him decide!" Matt said, crossing his arms. They both looked at me and I smiled. "Hey Matt I don't know if you heard, but I told you I'm here with my boyfriend." I said, pulling Kellin into my lap. "Whatever, I didn't even like you that much anyways." Matt scoffed, walking over to the guy next to us. Kellin rolled his eyes. "I changed my mind, can we go home where no one can try to steal you from me." He said suggestively before kissing me. I put five bucks on the bar and we left.

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