Chapter 4

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Woah an update on this story? That's surprising. I know i haven't updated this story in like three months but that's just because I'm writing the other story and school just started so I'm busy all the time. I'll try to update this fic more I promise. I don't know who i'm promising considering no one reads this but whatever I'll just keep pretending people care.

Kellin's POV:

I woke up to an annoying beeping sound. It was an alarm clock? "I don't have an alarm clock..." I muttered to myself. There was a loud groaning sound coming from next to me that caused me to jump. I looked over and Vic reached to the bedside table and smacked the alarm clock causing it to shut up. "I do." He said before falling back onto the bed.

Memories from the night before flooded my head. I felt my cheeks redden and I fell back onto the bed just like Vic had. "So... we had sex last nigt..." I said, turning on my side to look at Vic. He nodded his head and smiled. "Oh I remember." He said, causing me to blush even more.

"We gotta get ready for work..." Vic said, rubbing his face with his hands. He got up and went to the bathroom to shower. As he walked away I checked him out and smiled when he looked at me over his shoulder and nodded his head.

Right before he closed the door I noticed his back where I had left scratch marks. "Uhhh Vic?" He turned around and I tried to forget about the fact that he wasn't wearing anything. "I kinda left some marks on your back.

Vic wrapped his arm around his back and felt for the scratches. "Hm that's hot." He said casually before walking into the shower and closing the door.

After he closed the door I got up, put on my clothes from the night before and went back to my apartment to get ready for work. I felt really weird, I didn't know how Vic felt about me because he didn't give me a solid answer when I brought it up. I guess I'll just wait and find out.

I sighed and got in the shower, cleaning off whatever was on me from last night. Vic had left some marks from where he held my hips the night before and I just smiled. I kept thinking about last night and caused myself a little problem. Well I guess I gotta fix it.

"Fuck yes Vic oh shit" I swore as I came. That settles that. I finished cleaning myself and got out of the shower. I got dressed in a white button up shirt and a black tie, tying it loosely around my neck. I never liked ties but work said "they're manditory" so I guess I have to wear them. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and sunglasses before brushing my teeth and walking over to Vic's apartment and walking in, using the key he gave me.

I sat on the couch and waited for him to finish getting dressed. I heard him in his room singing a song I've never heard before. "Oh God don't let me be the only one who says. No. At the top of our lungs there's no, no such thing as too young. Second chances won't leave you alone, cause there's faith in love... He was-"

Vic cut himself off when he walked out of his room and saw me. "Oh hey Kells." Vic said casually. "Vic what song was that?" I asked cureously. "Oh uhh... I kinda wrote it.." Vic said looking down at his feet. I just stared at him in awe. "You wrote THAT?!" "I know I know it sucks." Vic said with a sigh. "You're kidding right? Vic that song was amazing!" I said loudly. "Really?" Vic said with a small smile. "Yes really now lets go to work." I said as I stood up.

As Vic pulled into the parking lot in front of the bank, Jenna got out of her car and waved at us. Vic waved back before focusing back to parking the car. When he looked away, Jenna pointed at him before pointing at me and thrusting her hips. I felt myself blush and I flipped her off.

We got out of the car and walked over to Jenna who was waiting for us. "Hey boys how was your weekend? Eventful I'm guessing." I blushed again, but looked down at my phone pretending to be interested in something. "Oh it was eventful alright." Vic said suggestively. "Really? What did you do?" "Well Kellin here locked himself out of his apartment so he slept over, we saw a scary movie Kellin wasn't scared at all, we played some video games and Kellin crushed me in them, then we played monopoly Kellin crushed me once again and yeah." Vic said simply.

"Ohhh no that was a lie. I lost my shit in that movie! And you destroyed me in both monopoly and madden!" Jenna was looking between the both of us. Vic was silent for a moment, "Yeah I lied Kellin's right."

Jenna just chuckled. "So you two are spending a lot of time together, what's going on?" I looked at Vic nervously to see what he was going to say. "Well you see Jenna, I found a little lamp in a cave and I rubbed it and a genie came out and I wished for a little Kellin to hang out with and poof! It came true and Kellin just so happened to move in next door to me and we enjoy each other's company."

"You make up stupid stories when you lie... what are you hiding Fuentes?" I seriously didn't know what to do so I stood there silently just listening. "I don't know what you're talking about that's totally what happened." Jenna just hit Vic's arm. "Kellin you've been awfully quiet, so tell me what happened?" "Uhhh well I just moved here and Vic has lived here his whole life so he knows his way around and I don't so yeah. I like hanging out with him cause he is cool and stuff."

Jenna just looked at the both of us. "so what I'm getting from all of this is that you guys fucked." Vic and I looked at each other. "...yes" we both said at the same time. Jenna jumped up and down, "yes yes yes I knew it I knew it hahaha!" "Haha go ahead, laugh at the two gay boys who by the way are more sexually active than you." Vic said with a smirk. "Actually that's not a correct statement, I just fucked my girlfriend Tay before I came here."

"Fine we're even then! come on let's go inside before Seth gets here." I said. Jenna skipped inside and I walked behind her with Vic behind me. I felt something touch my ass and I turned around to look at Vic who was whistling and looking around. "Pervert!" I said jokingly before turning back around and walking.

Vic grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the side of the bank. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back and let my eyes flutter closed. We kissed for a minute before Vic pulled away and looked at me with a smirk. "Why did you do that now I'm all turned on! you suck major dick." Vic just laughed. "I do suck major dick thanks for asking, and also I took you here to ask if you wanted to come over after work and continue what we just started." He said winking. "It would be my pleasure... literally." Vic hit my arm jokingly and kissed me again before taking my hand and walking towards the front door.

When we opened the front doors I let go of Vic's hand. He looked at me with a confused/hurt look. I pointed at Seth who was sitting at his desk on his computer. Vic nodded and we walked to our desks. I sat down and leaned my head back, closing my eyes. I really just wanted to go home and hang out with Vic. The sound of a chair rolling close to me made me open my eyes, Vic was looking at me.

He took my hand in his under the desk and played with my fingers. "I'm bored Kells." I laughed and looked at him, "Vic we've been working for about three minutes how can you be bored already?" "I know there is more fun stuff we could be doing!" I smiled at the fact he said we. "Well go on tumblr or something." Vic sighed and rolled back to his desk.

The day was going by exremely slow, I had two customers. Vic and I wento to lunch at the diner down the block a while ago. I was on tumblr, just scrolling when I got a message. I was pretty confused considering I didn't usually get messages. "Meet me in the bathroom." I looked up and noticed Vic walking towards the bathroom and I waited a minute before following.

"Hey why are we in here?" Vic shushed me and grabbed my face before kissing me. My stomach flipped and I kissed back. We were kissing for a little bit before we heard the door knob turning. I pulled away quickly and started "washing my hands" Vic pretended to be fixing his hair.

No one other than Seth walked in. "Look at my two little employees. I'm glad you're getting along!" Seth said. I kept my eyes on my hands but I could feel him looking at me. "What are you two doing in here?" He asked. I looked up and he was walking towards Vic. He was too close for my liking. I had to get his attention away from Vic.  "Nothing we were just heading back to work... sir..." 

"Hmmmm I like the sound of that from you Kellin..." Seth walked towards me and I instantly backed up into the wall. He put his hand on my face and rubbed his thumb across my cheek, causing my skin to crawl. "If you're ever free give me a call." he said before winking and walking out. 

I closed my eyes and let my head hit the wall. "Ew...." was all I said. Vic came over and hugged me. "Come on Kells we can go home now and hang out if you want." I nodded and Vic kissed me on the cheek before we cleaned up our desks and went home.

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