Chapter 20

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Kellin's POV:

I followed Vic into the huge building that the radio station was apparently in. Vic took my hand and squeezed it, sensing that I felt nervous. He always knew. "This is going to be great, sweetheart. Don't be nervous, I'm here." He said quietly in the elevator. He kissed my cheek and I smiled at him. The doors opened on a floor with a long hallway.

There were doors on each side and little signs that said "on air" were above the door. Some of them were lit, meaning there was a radio show going on. We walked all the way to the end of the hallway and went into the room that the owner told us to meet him in on the phone this morning. "Hi I'm Keith, nice to meet you. You must be Vic and Kellin." I just smiled and let Vic do the talking. He was better with people anyways.

"Hi, we have some great ideas planned and we can't wait to share them with you." Vic said in his professional voice. We all sat down in his office and explained our ideas. For a while Vic did most of the talking but eventually made me talk a little bit. "You two look so familiar." Keith said, squinting his eyes at us. I looked at Vic and shrugged. "Oh well remember that bank that just closed down?" Keith nodded. "We used to work there, we had desks next to each other." Vic said with a light laugh. Keith clapped and pointed. "Thats it! I went in there about two weeks ago."

"So anyways, I'm thinking we will be doing some advertising for the show for about two months. We will of course pay you guys during the wait. I'll give you a call sometime during the next week or two to let you know the exact date your radio show starts broadcasting." Keith said, smiling at us.

He seemed like a pretty awesome guy so far. After about an hour and a half of expressing ideas and talking business, we shook his hand and stood up. "It was great having you two here! I can't wait until you guys start the show, its gonna be great. To be perfectly honest with you, I'm getting sick of hearing the same songs over and over again. I'm hoping you guys change it up." He said, holding the door open for us.

"See you guys soon, I'm guessing we'll have a few meetings before the show actually starts and we'll give you guys a studio to work in." He said before nodding and closing the door to his office. We were walking towards the elevator when it hit me. What if they're homophobic? "Hey Vic?" I said quietly as we waited for the elevator doors to open. "Yeah?" He replied, looking up from his phone. "Do you think they're going to care if we're gay?"

"Oh... um... I'm not sure I never really thought about that. I guess... we should keep it on the down low around here for a while?" He said, kind of unsure of himself. I nodded slowly, taking a small step away from him. "We could always play it off as a bromance." I laughed, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and rubbing his arm. Vic laughed as the doors opened and we walked into the elevator.

"I guess so, its gonna be weird though." He said, taking my hand as the doors closed behind us. "Its fine, all we have to do is wait until we get home." I whispered in his ear, lightly kissing his neck. The elevator stopped on a random floor and a girl walked in just as I pulled away. She smiled at the both of us and just stood on the opposite side of the elevator. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth, you two are new here, huh?" She said, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms. I prayed my face didn't heat up.

She looked pretty tough to be honest, she had tattoos running from her shoulders to her wrists, kind of like mine. I was hiding them underneath a long sleeved shirt because I didn't know how they felt about tattoos here. Her tattoos made up for her shortness though, and here I thought I was short. I'm guessing she was exactly five feet tall. She had dark brown hair that went to her shoulders. It was weird because I wanted to hug her and tell her she was adorable, but I knew that if I tried she would probably kill me.

"Yeah actually, we just had a meeting with Keith, we're starting a radio show here in about two months that plays alternative music." Vic said, smiling at me. "No fucking way, I've been waiting for this forever! I'm so gonna listen to it every day!" Elizabeth said, high fiving the both of us. "So what do you do here?" I asked, smiling at her. "Oh, I'm an intern here, I'm in college and I think I wanna get into this kinda stuff later on in life. I've been studio hopping lately, working in a bunch of different pop radio stations. Its pretty boring actually, they all play the same stuff."

I looked at Vic with a 'are you thinking what I'm thinking' look. He smiled and looked at Elizabeth. "How would you like to work in our studio?" He asked, making Elizabeth smile and nod. "Oh my god of course I would! You guys seem awesome. Here, give me your phone I'll put my number in." She said, holding out her hand. I took my phone out and put it in her hand, smiling at her. She was awesome. I liked her already. She handed my phone back to me as the elevator doors opened.

"By the way, your secret is safe with me." She said winking at the both of us before walking out of the elevator. "What secret?" I asked. She stopped and turned around. "Do you really think I'm dumb enough to not realize what was going on in that elevator before I got in it?" She laughed before walking away. "See you two later!" She said, lifting her hand up in the air and waving as she went towards her car.

"I like her." Vic said, taking my hand and walking towards the car. "Me too." I said, kissing his cheek. We got in the car and drove home.

"Kells?" Vic asked as we laid in his bed, cuddling. "Hmm?" I mumbled, lightly kissing his neck. "Move in with me?" He said quietly, running his fingers through my hair. "Really?" I asked, looking up at him and smiling. "Yeah, having two apartment is really dumb. It costs twice as much money and I miss you when you're in there." He said, his eyebrows furrowing. I kissed him and pulled my face back, smiling at him. "I would love to." He smiled at me and chuckled.

I knew things would be changing a lot in the next few months, but from what I could tell, I was going to enjoy it a lot. As long as I had Vic by my side and the friends I have made, like Jenna, Tay, Alex, Jack, Jaime and even Elizabeth. I was going to be happy. The future looked bright for little old me, and I can't wait to see what's around the corner.

Ayeeee its over... kinda. I can't wait to start the sequel to this! I think its going to be great! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! Thank you for reading!

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