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jeno grumbled as he picked up another rotten banana peel and tossed it into his garbage bag. he gagged.

chenle rolled his eyes and swept up the broken glass around his feet. "how did we get into this situation again?"

"that would be because of donghyuck." jisung said without missing a beat, as he came back from picking up plastic, although he reeked of cigarette smoke and only held two empty plastic bottles. 

"hey!" the tanned male spun around, glaring at the taller blonde. 

jaemin looked up from his garbage bag. "he's not wrong."

𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨

"you boys want to tell me why you were fighting in my hallway?"  mr. kang stared expectantly at the teenagers who were glaring at each other. 

"it's donghyuck's fault-"

"they were punching each other-"

"i was just walking-"

"he spilled some-"

"i wanted to leave-"

"i have homework-"

"damn i look hot." 

the overlapping voice stopped suddenly, hearing the last remark. the tanned male looked up from his reflection in mr. kang's picture frame and stared at the other boys. "what?" 

mr. kang rubbed his temples as if he was pushing back a headache. "chenle, explain."

renjun opened his mouth to object, but everyone's jaw dropped when chenle started to explain what happened in almost flawless korean.

"when we were all leaving to go home, mark and jisung saw donghyuck being... close with your daughter, mina, and jisung got angry. that made donghyuck angry and they both started to fight. mark, renjun, jaemin, and jeno tried to step in but it didn't work. so then donghyuck pushed jisung down and his.. books fell out, so i tried to pick them up, but i ran into mark, who was pulling jisung away, and we all fell. and jaemin, renjun, donghyuck, and jeno were just.. fighting each other."

chenle ignored the thankful look jisung sent him. he didn't cover for his drugs because he cared. he did it because he did drugs too.

mr. kang simply stared. "that's.. quite a story," he picked up a folder and took out seven papers. "never in my years of working here, did i think that you seven would be in the same room. huang renjun. seventeen. a junior. a 4.0 gpa. takes math with the seniors."

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