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𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟖, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟐


"what, is jackson having another party?" jeno asked without looking up.

"i hope not," jisung said. "there's always this unnamed girl who's arguing with jungkook or taehyung. the guy needs a break."

renjun flipped open his phone. "well, it's not jackson. it's mina."

"oh, jeez," mark groaned, slamming a pillow on top of his face.

jeno looked up, scanning the area. after calling themselves the dreamies, they decided to call the place 'the palace of broken dreams', stemming off of renjun's idea of their name, the old name of the club being 'the palace', and the known idea of daegu being a haven for broken dreams and futures. the couch had moved up to the balcony and allowed them to look out the large window beside them and gave them a clear view of the town, and the first floor of the club which had the bar, karaoke stage, and the bathroom. the boys moved the tv up to the balcony and placed it on an old table from downstairs right in front of the couch. the couch was large, and practically took up the whole balcony. it could seat at least ten people, twelve if they squeezed in and served as their bed if they stayed the night. the floor to ceiling window was behind them, and they could look up at the glass ceiling above them. the palace became their home. currently, the dreamies were watching legally blonde, which was brought by jaemin a few weeks ago, along with other movies that most of the boys watched out of boredom. 

mark had avoided reading the text out of spite, pride, or embarrassment. the others flipped their phones open scanning the text over. he pushed the pillow off of his face and gripped at his hair. "god, what is it?"

"calm down, she didn't expose your dick pic or anything." donghyuck quipped, snapping his phone closed. mark hurled a pillow donghyuck's way.

"'party at kang mina's house. starts at ten, and we'll see when it ends, semi colon, parentheses'," jaemin read out. jisung attempted to cover up his laugh at jaemin's literal reading of the winky face.

"so we're not going, right?" mark asked, and at the same time, donghyuck declared, "oh, we're so going!"

mark and donghyuck's heads snapped to each other, mark's eyes wide in shock, and donghyuck smiling, completely amused. 

"are you scared of your ex? god, you suck." donghyuck rolled his eyes.

"you swallow."

jisung sputtered out a laugh, burying his head into a pillow, jaemin and chenle were laughing hysterically, renjun's hand flew to his mouth, and jeno's mouth fell open.

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