24. Pretty Boy and Whiskey Girl

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*Trigger Warning* 
Sexual content, some sexual harassment, internalized homophobia, use of homophobic slur

****There is a summary at the end for those who decide to skip



 (February 14th, 2000)

(Arden Age 21, Dean Age 21, Sam Age 17, Elijah Age 21, Kat Age 20)

"I swear if one more person touches my ass without my consent I am getting into my car and running over all of these pervs," I muttered to myself.

I  angrily wandered around the party looking for my friends. I had been there for a couple of hours and both Kat and Elijah ditched me within the first. I was constantly pulling my dress down to cover my ass, the heels I was wearing were murdering my feet, and I desperately wanted to rub my eyes, but I didn't want to ruin my makeup in public. There was a reason why my aesthetic was t-shirts and jeans. I hated wearing heavy makeup and I don't often wear dresses. I was a tomboy at heart. Years of living with a grouchy old hunter solidified that. It's safe to say that I was having a terrible time.

Kat and Elijah dragged me to this club for their Valentine's day for singles night. Elijah and I saved the owner of the club last night and the owner insisted we come tonight, expense-free. So Kat dressed me in this slutty red dress claiming it was time for me to get back into the dating scene and Elijah agreed. In their defense, I haven't been with anyone since Dean and that was almost three years ago. Sure I went on a few dates, a one night stand here and there, but nothing lasting. They believed it was time for me to move on and though reluctant I was inclined to agree.

It's not like I can just get back together with Dean. Not with John Winchester threatening to kill me. Sure I could technically, accidentally, hypothetically, kill John, but I didn't think that would go well with the Winchester brothers and despite John's insane crusade trying to find the thing that killed his wife. He was still competent and cunning enough to stay alive. Unfortunately.

Another factor was the enchantment I cast to lock Dean's memories. A key factor of the spell was the consent of the host and if I wanted to break the spell, again I would need the consent of the host. And from what I've heard from Sam, Dean wanted nothing to do with me. What could I possibly say to convince him to let me cast a spell to unlock his memories? Imagine if I told him I was a witch now. He would freak the fuck out. I'd be burned at the stake and Dean probably be the one lighting it with John cheering in the background. . . So I guess it's time to get back into the dating pool... yay.

The club was basked in red. The music barely masked the moans coming from private rooms. Usually, I wouldn't judge people's choices. As long as you were a decent person, you do you, but at that moment I was fed up and wanted to go home. As I continued to look for my roommates, I couldn't help but think of the events that lead me here.


(Earlier that day)

"Whyyyy?" I whined.

"Because it's good for you," Elijah responded making himself comfortable at my desk. A beer in his hand. "And the owner owes us,"

"But I'm busy," I fought back.

I was also tired. Elijah and I just finished a hunt the night before. A wraith was praying upon young single guys at a nearby club. Draining their horny little brains. The wraith was about to kill the owner of the club when we stopped it. Now that the hunt was over, all I wanted to do was finish writing these essays and sleep for a solid forty-eight hours.

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