Chapter Ninety Six

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"Something seems different with you" Ginny said, narrowing her eyes.
"Wh- nothings - nothings different" Lee spluttered, edging slightly away from George's side.
"Hmmm - wait. You're working on a prank!" she cried, suddenly looking at the food, "what did you do to mum's potatoes?"
Ron, who had just shoved a forkful into his mouth, stopped chewing, looking at his sister with wide eyes.
"We haven't done anything to the ruddy potatoes" George said, rolling his eyes and eating a large spoonful, "just eat your food"
"Okay, okay"
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" Fred laughed quietly, pressing a kiss to my temple, "But if I were you I wouldn't eat the peas"
"You naughty sod" I murmured, holding back a smile as I pushed the peas away from the rest of my food.
"What are you doing?" Hermione asked, looking at me weirdly.
"Changed my mind about the peas is all" I shrugged, reaching for the carrots instead.

A few minutes later, Ron started to giggle uncontrollably, eyes widening

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A few minutes later, Ron started to giggle uncontrollably, eyes widening.
"Oh you sons of-" Ginny's shout was cut off as she dissolved into laughter, Hermione following soon after.
The three of them ran out of the room, probably in search of Mrs Weasley, getting hit by a load of paint as they went.
"Holy shit - did you charm them?" I sniggered, looking at Fred.
"Lee found the charm-"
"But he's too young to use it" George sang, poking his arm.
"Oh piss off, only a few days now and I'll be just as able as you" he laughed, taking George's hand in his and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
Mrs Weasley's voice seemed to shake the walls, her footsteps echoing outside the door to the kitchen.
Springing apart, Lee and George rushed to different ends of the kitchen, Fred hiding behind me.
"Is this our time to run?"
"Yes. Yes it is"

"Another meeting tonight" I mumbled, staring at the fireplace mournfully, "Molly's warned us away from the kitchen again"
"I would give my left pinkie toe to know what's going on in there" George announced, flopping down next to Lee, pillowing his head on his lap.
"But with meetings come..." Lee trails off, looking at Fred expectantly.
"Tonks with alcohol!"
"We're back in business boys!" I cheered, pulling Fred in for a hug, before pulling my wand out of my boot and heading to the main entrance.
Watching out for Molly, I placed the detection charm around the doorway, quickly scurrying back to the boys.
"We'll know when she arrives now, and then we can go get the goods" I smiled, sitting on Fred's lap, kissing his nose, "So, what's new with you three?"
"Ah, ah, ah" Fred smiled, pulling me closer to his body, "You're not going to learn our next pranking secrets"
"Boo" I laughed, resting my head on his shoulder, "you're no fun"
"Big baby" he teased, "You know the rules for prank wars are sacred"
"You should've just chosen our team" George suggested, "You know we're gonna win anyway"
"Come on, she had to give the young'uns a chance" Lee grinned, looking down at George, "It wouldn't be nearly a fair fight otherwise"
"Ugh, stop making sense" he groaned, batting away Lee's hands with a small frown.
"Look at them," I cooed, entwining my fingers with Fred's, "The little lovebirds"
"They're so cute I'm gonna cry" Fred replied, mockingly wiping pretend tears from his eyes.
"Shut up Fredrika"
"Shove it Georgina"
"Boys! Let's not figh-"
Lee was cut off by a loud noise emitting from my wand, the four of us jumping up in unison.

"Wotcher lads! How's the house treating you?"
"Like an angry middle aged man who wants a divorce" I smiled, pulling her into a hug, "how are you"
"Doing good, doing good. Moody's really putting me through the paces recently though" she smiled, hugging twins as she spoke, "it's been exhausting"
"Well we missed you last week" Lee grinned, getting his hug last.
"Auror business" she smiled, before gasping and fishing in her pockets, "which reminds me, I got you guys this fire whiskey"
"You're the best!" George whisper-yelled, taking the bottle and quickly apparating away.
"We'll definitely be saving that for Lee's birthday next week" I grinned, patting him on the back, "Will you be there, Tonks?"
"If all goes well I will be"
The front door swung open again just as George apparated back, "I put it under the beeeeheeeeelloooooo Professor Dumbledore!"
"George" he smiled, nodding, "Fred, Lee, Emily, Nymphadora"
We watched as he seemed to float by us, pausing at the door to look back, "Meeting starts in five", walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah that's probably a sign for me to get my arse in there" she laughed, ruffling Fred's hair, "I'll try and be there for Lee's party next week. See you later nerds!"

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