Chapter Six

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A few more hours had passed until the twins came running back over, covered in grime from their practice.
"Wood's been working us to the bone this year" George whined, collapsing at my feet.
"It's abuse I tell you - abuse!" Fred added, also falling to the ground with a bang.
Lightly chuckling I turned to face the twins, "oh come on Oliver's not that bad".
"You're only saying that - "
"Because you want his woo-"
"FRED!" I yelled in shock, slapping his head. The twins let out a snicker and I could feel Lee holding one back - opting for a coy smile instead.
"I do not like him anymore"
"Sure you don't" George scoffed
"Tell them Lee! I told you earlier!"
The twins heads whipped around to look at Lee, mouths wide open.
"It's not him" Lee grinned, glad to have power over the two gingers.
"B-but you said - "
"You wouldn't tell anyone - "
"Who you fancied!"
Lee laughed at this, flicking a dreadlock over his shoulder, "what can I say, I'm just that loved"
I snorted with laughter, elbowing his side
"Okay she didn't tell me but she did describe them" he admitted, grin still not leaving his face "and it was definitely not Wood - didn't have the 'sexy accent' that she goes mad for". The twins sniggered at this, remembering back in first year when Emily first talked to Wood.

She was chasing after Lee and the twins as they desperately ran from Filch. They had just set of a collection of dung bombs by his office, and Mrs Norris had started meowing, creating the illusion of an air raid siren. Losing sight of her friends, she dove through an alcove and slowed down to a walk. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her friends coming to meet her in the middle. A big grin on her face, they high fived at their first successful prank in the school.
"Why were you running?" A smooth voice sounded from behind them. Emily could feel her cheeks blushing as she heard his melodic accent ring through her ears. Lee gave her a knowing smirk and went to answer.
"Filch was chasing us" he replied honestly, sending a wink my way.
"Hey - aren't you Granger? I saw you in DADA the other day" Oliver noted, seemingly unaware of my bright crimson face. I only nodded, knowing that if I spoke it would come out broken.

"It was like you'd turned into a puddle - I think that was the quietest you've ever been" George chuckled, patting my leg in sympathy.
"Yeah yeah laugh it up - at least I didn't spill pumpkin juice down Alicia Spinnet's robes cos I was too busy staring at her t-" Lee quickly covered my mouth with his hand.
"So who do you like now then?" Fred asked curiously "I'll tell you mine if I tell you yours".
My stomach dropped at this, but I managed to keep a steady smile on my face.
"Okay sure, you go first" I smiled
"Angelina Johnson"
I let out a sigh of disappointment - she was perfect for him. She played quidditch, was loud and confident, loved by everyone in Gryffindor house. The list goes on.
"Go on then" George said expectantly.
An evil smirk graced my features as I laughed, "you're still as gullible as last year, you poor poor souls"
"You bloody monster!" George cried dramatically, fake tears brewing in his eyes.
"Fine, if I'm a monster, I guess I'd tell Lee who it was and not you guys" I huffed, sitting up and crawling until I was near enough Lees head that I could whisper in his ear.
Lee's mouth hung open in shock, though I wasn't sure if it was because of the person or because of me actually telling him. He silently turned to me, eyes full of disbelief.
"That one?!" He asked incredulously.
"Yep" I sighed, lying back down, this time resting on his lap.
"Why?" He asked, sounding very confused. I laughed at his confusion.
"Well I don't see why you're shocked, you've known me long enough to know by now I'm not sane 100% of the time"
"But - him?"
Lee sounded like he was being strangled, his voice getting higher with every sentence he formed, nearly sounding like a banshee.
"What? Who is it? Why is it so weird?" Fred asked desperately. Lee ignored him, still processing the fact that his best friend liked Fred.
"This is killing me!" George groaned, smacking his head on the ground in frustration, "if you really wanted to be evil you'd tell his twin!"
"It wouldn't be evil if at the next second, said twin would turn around and tell everything to his other twin!" I replied hastily, raising my eyebrows accusingly in George's direction.

As dinner time came nearer, we decided to pack up and head back inside

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As dinner time came nearer, we decided to pack up and head back inside. The sunlight was now barely peaking out from behind the fluffy clouds, making the black lake twinkle in mystery.
"I have a very important announcement" I declared as we walked through the hallways.
"Oh yeah and what's that?" George replied, still slightly miffed off that I hadn't told him.
"We, my dear friends, are losing our touch. Harry and Ron have broken far more rules than we have the past 2 years. Broke into a highly classified area? Golden trio. Flew a flying car into the whomping willow? Well - that one was just Harry and Ron. I take no responsibility for the lack of pranks at the end of that part of the year considering I was in a hospital bed petrified, but you still could have done something -"
"Where are you going with this?" Lee interrupted, an evil smirk growing wide on his face.
"Excellent question Lee. We are going to play the biggest prank yet" I smirked, looking at my 3 best friend's faces which were all filled with determination, answering with only a simple nod.

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