Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six

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"Evil slimy troll-looking no good-" Lee continued muttering curses under his breath, glaring at the new decree that was pinned up on the board.
"How did she know?" George frowned, "It literally happened Saturday - surely..."
"No one there would be dumb enough to snitch," I said, "knowing my sister she jinxed the hell out of that parchment."
Fred let out an angry huff, storming out of the common room and towards the Great Hall, the three of us following after him.

We spotted the golden trio just sitting down, rushing over to them.
"Did you see it?"
"D'you reckon she knows?"
"What are we going to do?"
They were all looking at Harry. He glanced around to make sure there were no teachers near them.
"We're going to do it anyway, of course," he said quietly.
"Knew you'd say that," said George, beaming and thumping Harry on the arm.
"The prefects as well?" said Fred, looking quizzically at Ron and Hermione.
"Of course," said Hermione coolly.
"Here comes Ernie and Hannah Abbott," said Ron, looking over his shoulder. "And those Ravenclaw blokes and Smith . . . and no one looks very spotty."
Hermione looked alarmed.
"Never mind spots, the idiots can't come over here now, it'll look really suspicious — sit down!" she mouthed to Ernie and Hannah, gesturing frantically to them to rejoin the Hufflepuff table. "Later! We'll — talk — to — you — later!"
"I'll tell Michael," said Ginny impatiently, swinging herself off her bench. "The fool, honestly . . ."
"I'll go sort out my kids" I said sarcastically, seeing Beth frantically waving me over from the hufflepuff bench, "See you in DADA?"
"Go, before she pulls something" Fred said, kissing my cheek.

As soon as my arse hit the bench, Beth grabbed my arm, shaking me.
"What the hell is going on?"
"Okay first of all, calm down."
"Calm down? Umbridge is going to string us all alive! Someone must've snitched!"
Ernie and Hannah slid up the bench, similar questions on their tongues.
"Right - it's still going ahead, okay? I don't know anymore than that!" They stopped their badgering, begrudgingly satisfied.
Ebony piped in, leaning on Beth's shoulder, "Well whoever told her is gonna have a whole hoarse of angry people coming after them, so I don't envy them at all. I mean honestly-"

She cut herself off as Umbridge's telltale footsteps went past, a sickeningly flowery scent following her

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She cut herself off as Umbridge's telltale footsteps went past, a sickeningly flowery scent following her. "Someone needs to give her an 'accident'."
Connor laughed, "I cant see that going down well."
"Better her than us," she shrugged, pressing a kiss to Beth's temple before getting up, "I've got to go and beg Flitwick for an extension on the essay."
"Just copy mine" Beth said, pouting as she held on to her hand to stop her leaving.
Ebony smiled, shaking her head. "It's the extra essay he gave me for missing the deadline last time, but thank you."
"What happened to you," Connor asked sarcastically, "You used to be so full of academic promise."
She just gave him the middle finger, walking away.

"Do you think this counts as an illegal group?" I asked, pointing around the secret passageway.
"Well there are four of us," Lee said, "but then again, we are in a hidden passageway making potions we shouldn't know how to make, so really is the number of people here really the biggest issue?"
"Touché, Jordan. Touché."
Fred laughed from his place by the cauldron, reading my scribbled notes, "When you said this would be a better formula of the amortentia perfume, did you just distill it even more?"
"Well we couldn't keep the old formula."
George giggled, "You mean the one Lee chugged? He wouldn't let go of me for hours!"
Lee ducked his head, letting his dreadlocks create a shield, "I had to test that it was weak enough!"
I just shook my head at him, walking over to Fred as George pulled Lee in for a kiss.
The two of them had been missing the privacy of Grimmauld Place, and the free affection they could give each other in the labyrinth of rooms.
Neither of them were ready to be completely out in the open yet.

Using a small ladle, I put some of the concoction into a spray bottle, spraying it into the air in front of me.
"Yep, smells like you." Fred smiled, "Who's going to drink it."
"Screw it." I said, taking the top off and drinking it down in one.
Fred shuffled closer to me, smirking confidently, "Got any declarations of love you want to share?"
"Not even a little poem?"
"Bugger off."
Fred laughed, crossing his arms, "It worked."
"We don't know for sure, let's give it another minute just in case." I sat there for a few more moments, before grinning, "I think I'm fine!"
"Bloody brilliant!" Fred cheered, kissing me before hunching back over the notes, "We'll have to remember exactly what we did..."
As he started underlining key parts of the recipe, I turned back to Lee and George, the two set beside each other with their hands entwined.
"So we've got the perfume sorted - how close did you say the fainting fancies were to 100% finished?"
"No - some of the kids are still out for longer than we'd like" George replied, "the puking pastilles however? Working perfectly."
"I'm guessing you'll be wanting to demonstrate them then?" Lee asked, slight dread in his voice, "Perhaps I'll just practice my vanishing spell for a moment."
"Good idea."
Fred flopped against my back, chin resting on my shoulder, "All done."
I leaned back into the contact, smiling as he started to attack my cheek with kisses.
"Are we that gross?" Lee asked, looking at George.
"Probably worse."
Fred stopped, grinning at the two boys, "You're definitely worse."
"Bit homophobic there Freddie." George challenged, smiling despite himself.
"Oh piss off."

Lee went to stand and leave, pausing for a moment. "Did you hear there's going to be a storm tonight? Lightning and everything."
"Cool - do you think the hall's ceiling will go mad again?" Fred asked eagerly.
Their voices faded into background noise as I registered what he had just said. If I had done everything right, tonight would be the night I'd become an animagus.

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