Chapter Seventy Seven

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"The audacity of this school" I huffed, collapsing against Fred, "we don't deserve to be attacked with exams still! NEWTs aren't until next year"
Fred laughed, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me upright, "at least we had an early finish"
"Which means we can go meet Oliver earlier!" George squealed from atop Lee's back, the shorter man walking them over, "Come on, he should be here any second!"
"You could walk, you know" Lee teased, tightening his grip around George's thighs.
"But why would I do that when I have you to carry me"
I laughed at George's logic, looking up at Fred with fake-innocent eyes, "You know how you love me?"
"Get on you gremlin"

"Oliver!" I cheered, falling in pace with George (who had leaped off of Lee's back a second after me) as we charged full speed into his arms, "You're back!"

"Oliver!" I cheered, falling in pace with George (who had leaped off of Lee's back a second after me) as we charged full speed into his arms, "You're back!"

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"Our boy is home!" George cried, voice muffled from where he was squished into the middle of the hug.
"Well this is a nice welcome" Oliver chuckled, nodding at Lee and Fred from over the top of my head, "I've missed you all"
"Sap" Lee grinned, folding his arms.
"Let's be real" Fred smirked, tilting his head to the side, "You havent known what to do without us in the big wide world"
At that Oliver scoffed, wiggling out of George and my hold, "I'll have you know Weasley that I'm a functioning adult - my team and I have done pretty well this season"
"We saw. Emily's been showing us every time you're in the papers"
I sneered at Lee, who held his hands up in surrender, before turning to Oliver with a smile, "Someone's gotta be your cheerleader - I thought it wouldve been Harry but the man's been busy"
"I'm not surprised, what with the tournament and all. Where is the little guy anyway?"
"Aww, are you going to surprise him?" George cooed, throwing his arm around Oliver's shoulders, "He'll be in the hall for lunch"
We followed behind as George guided Oliver to the hall, Fred pulling me against his side almost instinctively as we walked. Lee, however, was looking at the pair in front of us with concerning intensity.
"You good?" I asked him quietly, a small frown on my face.
"Wha- oh yeah. I'm fine" he said, scratching the back of his neck with a hastily thrown on smile, "peachy"
Choosing not to fight him, I just narrowed my eyes, backing off when he gave me the middle finger.

"Oliver? What are you doing here?" Harry gasped, accepting the hug with a grin.
"Couldnt miss my seeker's big day" Oliver replied, ruffling Harry's hair, "looking just as scrawny as ever"
I laughed, eyes widening as they fell onto Mrs Weasley and Bill. I tugged on Fred's arm, pointing out his family, the twins swarming around Bill almost instantly.
"Oh my god! Molly, hi!" I grinned, rushing over to pull her into a hug, "I didn't know you were going to be here"
"Well we couldn't miss Harry's task, could we?" she smiled jovially, "besides, it's nice to see this place again - Harry was just showing us around"
"It must be really weird to see everything now, has anything changed?"
"I was actually just telling them about how that whipping tree wasn't here when I was enrolled"
"The whomping willow?"
"Yes, that's the one. The old games keeper would've never allowed it..." she seemed to slip into a nostalgic daze, snapping out of it a few moments later, "Ginny said that you were still thinking of becoming a healer? Working in the hospital wing?"
"Oh, yes Madam Pomfrey let me study with her these past few months - I'll actually be in the medical tent tonight, so I won't be able to sit and watch with you all"
At that, Bill broke through the twins' chatter, turning to face us, "You? Being in charge of people's lives? Now that's scary"
"Piss off Bill" I grinned, pulling him into a hug, "How've the crypts been?"
"Dusty and cursed, business as usual - though we did find a very interesting tomb a few months back that turned my coworker Tomas into a goat" Bill laughed, running a hand through his long hair, "it took us a week to figure out how to turn him back"
"Don't go getting any ideas Fred" I smiled, recognising the look on his face.
"Me? Never. George on the other hand..."
I shook my head in exasperation, turning back to Molly, "How did you cope with them for seventeen years?"
Ignoring the twins' cries of protest (and Lee's cackling), Mrs Weasley looked me dead in the eye and shrugged, "I honestly don't know"
"You're supposed to take our side-!"
"Thrown under the knight bus-"
Their complaining was suddenly cut off by Oliver's indignant scream.

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