Chapter Fifty Nine

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"We should get back to our dates and tell them about your joke, Fred"
"You're making me out to be really bad" he groaned, head hanging forward to rest on the top of mine, "I wasn't that bad!"
"Of course" I smiled, pulling him into a hug and staring at the two of them, "Leave Fred alone, he doesn't wanna admit anything"
"I-" Fred brought his head back up, seemingly ready for a fight, before deflating again, waving away Lee and George with a huff, "oh whatever"
The pair of them walked away laughing, rejoining their dates and leaving me with my arms full of Fred.
"You're being very affectionate today" I chuckled, eyes shining affectionately.
"Well I am here with the most amazing girl" he replied, burrowing further into the crook of my neck, "why wouldn't I show her off?"
Finally standing back up to his full height, Fred took my hand and lead me back to the dance floor, joining in with the silly dancing.
Eventually, the remaining dancers formed a sort of dance circle, us being placed opposite Hermione and Krum, laughing as everyone took a turn to do a little dance in the middle. At our go, Fred pulled me in with him, twirling me around madly before ending in a dip, grinning widely.
"You're glowing, love"

As the clock hit eleven o'clock, the songs calmed down, the hall slowly emptying. People walked past Fred and I sat around an abandoned table, drinks in hand.
"I'm really glad that we became friends"
He turned to me with a small smile, eyes soft, "I'm really glad too"
I hummed happily, resting my head on his shoulder as I watched Lee and George slow dance together, Alicia and Angelina having left a few minutes prior.
"Y'wanna dance?"
"Sure, love"
I smiled sleepily, standing from my seat with my hand in his, joining the couples left on the dance floor.
"Y'know, at one point I thought you weren't going to ask me to come with you" I mused aloud, resting my head against his collar bone, one hand still in his while his other rested on my hip, "you did wait 'til last minute"
"I just didn't think of it" Fred said honestly, "I just sort of assumed we'd be going together"
"We're idiots" I huffed softly.
Our conversation halted at the sound of a loud 'whoop!', both of us turning to see Lee lifting George off of the ground and into the lift from Dirty Dancing.
"Emily look! We're doing the thing!"
I burst out laughing, leaning heavily against Fred for support as my legs weakened at the sight.
"Yes you are!" I shouted back, wheezing at their proud faces.

"I don't think I've ever felt this tired" George moaned, stretching along the sofa with a small cry, "or this in pain"
Lee piped up beside him, similarly positioned and even more dishevelled, "No one talk to me for the rest of the day, or I will snap"
I snickered at their misfortune, plopping down in to Fred's lap, "Well maybe if certain someones didn't drink so many glasses of the punch that they spiked, they wouldn't be in this situation this morning"

"I don't think I've ever felt this tired" George moaned, stretching along the sofa with a small cry, "or this in pain"Lee piped up beside him, similarly positioned and even more dishevelled, "No one talk to me for the rest of the day, or I will sn...

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"Bugger off Emily"
"Go eat a bludger"
The muffled insults made me laugh even more, Fred's laugh joining mine.
"Oi! You'd be in the same position if Emily hadn't of stopped you from drinking more of the punch with us" George scowled, aiming a poorly aimed kick at his brother.
"And I've never been so glad to have her" Fred smiled smugly, pressing a kiss to my temple possessively, "thank Merlin I'm not like you sorry sods today"
"Pisstake" Lee grumbled, wiggling in his seat until he was slumped against George, squinting at the sunlight that crept through the common room's curtains.
"I did warn you both yesterday" I sang, hopping up and offering Fred my hand, "but you both said, and I quote, 'We're big boys Emily, we can handle our liquor'. I hate to break it to you, but you're not doing a great job at convincing me"
Beyond words, George just hissed at me, Lee being slightly more human and flashing me the middle finger with a low groan-growl sound that seemed to reverberate from his chest.
"We'll bring you back some breakfast" Fred shouted over his shoulder, snickering at the moans of pain he received in response to the noise.
As we walked through the portrait hole, I turned to him with a smile, "That was mean"
"They deserved it, the pricks" he responded, tone light, "They attacked me last night for no reason"
I hummed, smile widening, "it was funny to see you deny it though, even though you were so obvious when I look back on it"
"I - I was not"
"Oh really? Fourth year, during that really rainy match?"
Fred's ears began to turn red, yet he still held firm, shaking his head resolutely, "Nope, no idea"
"You looked like you were going to punch Oliver in the face because he said he could kiss me"
"But -"
I smirked widely at his stumped expression, realising I had won. Giggling, I reached up to place a kiss on the underside of his jaw, "I think it's nice that you cared so much for me, even before we were really dating"
The red on Fred's ears steadily turned to a deep scarlet, while the man still attempted to look unbothered, "You were one of my best friends, after all" he said, "I had to look out for you"
"Sure, it was totally selfless"

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