Chapter One

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"Excuse me, can I sit in here?" I asked, poking my head into a relatively empty compartment "every where else is packed and I can't be bothered to walk along any further". Peering into the compartment I saw two ginger twins, a boy with dreadlocks and a smiling blonde girl.
"Yeah sure" the girl answered, patting the seat next to her. I gave her a grin in response, before entering and sitting on the plush seats.
"Hi I'm Lee. Lee Jordan" the boy said, reaching his hand out to shake.
"Emily Granger" I grinned, shaking his hand enthusiastically.
"Hi I'm Gred-"
"And I'm Forge-"
"We're the Weasley twins-"
"If that wasn't already obvious"
I blinked, slightly weirded out at them continuing each others sentences.
"Hi Fred and George" i eventually answered, smiling happily. Abruptly turning to the blonde girl next to me I asked for her name.
"Oh - right - sorry! I'm Beth Abbott" she giggled, jumping up and down slightly in her seat "I'm just so excited to get to Hogwarts"
I let out a laugh along with the others at Beth's enthusiasm.

The train ride went by faster than I wanted, before I knew it we were standing in the Great Hall, about to be sorted. I gazed with wide eyes as the first child was called.
"Beth Abbott"
i waited with baited breath, crossing her fingers tightly as she watched her friend place that hat on her head. Within seconds she had already started chatting to the hat, making the magical artefact chuckle.
A large cheer erupted from one of the tables, swamped in a cheery yellow colour. Sending a quick reassuring smile in my direction, she raced over to the table.
"Conor Bones"
Before the hat could even touch his head "HUFFLEPUFF" was shouted yet again.
"Hufflepuff is going to be a busy house this year it seems" I whispered to Lee, who was wringing his hands nervously, causing him to let out a quiet laugh as he nodded in reply.
I started zoning out, only catching a few names as they passed.

"Miles Chang"
"Charlie Dolohov"
"Ebony Grace"
"Emily Granger"

With a deep breath, I stepped up to the stool, catching a thumbs up from the Weasley twins before the hat plunged me into darkness.
"Hmm. I can see great intelligence - natural talent in academics. Yes, yes. Kind soul, but I think you'd be too much of a troublemaker for Hufflepuff. I think it better be.."
I had a massive grin on my face as a ran over to the table, being greeted by another ginger who looked awfully similar to the twins.
"Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm Percy" he smiled offering to shake my hand.
I started chatting with other people on the table whilst waiting for the sorting to be over, only clapping when everyone else was.
"Lee Jordan"
I let out a cheer as my friend from the train sat next to me, smile so big it looked like it was going to fall off of his face.
"We got into Gryffindor! This is great!" Lee babbled excitedly, introducing himself to everyone sat around us.

As time progressed, the line of first years dwindled until finally it was the twins turn.
"Fred Weasley"
"George Weasley"
Lee and I leapt out of our seats, clapping like mad men.
"This is so cool! I'm so glad we all made it here" I grinned, almost dizzy with the excitement of it all.
"We're just glad -"
"We didn't get -"
"Slytherin house or mum-"
"Would've disowned us"
Percy let out a snort and shook his head at his brother Charlie.
"Mum wouldn't disown you two, she'd just be really disappointed that you broke the tradition and would probably hold it over your head for the rest of your lives" Charlie shrugged nonchalantly.
"I like you" I laughed, nodding at Charlie, looking at the horror that had formed on the twin's faces.

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