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Alexa looked to her baby as she lay next to her. Alexa was in shock and her hormones were all over the place and she didn't know what to do. Alexa looked to her with tears in her eyes.

She had gone through five hours of labour and she hated called her mum. Alexa knew that she promised Diane that she could have her baby but Diane was pregnant with twins and she didn't know what to think.

Alexa looked as Charley walked in as Alexa picked up her baby in her arms and smiled as she looked down at her.

Alexa felt the tears in her eyes as Charley looked to her and smiled. Charley wasn't stupid and she knew that Alexa was in pain Over what she was going to do

"are you okay?" Charley asked as Alexa nodded

"I'm trying to find a way to say goodbye. I guess. Did you call her?" Alexa asked

"no. Do you want me too?" Charley asked as Alexa shock her head

"no. I'm not ready. I'm not ready for her to come here and take her out of my arms. I'm staying in for a few days and so is she. I'm not ready" Alexa said as Charley sat in the bed and smiled

"she's beautiful. You know you don't have to do this, give her up" Charley asked as Alexa looked to her and smiled not knowing what to think

Alexa woke up and frowned as she heard the baby crying. She sat up and sighed as she held her close. She looked as Diane walked in and sighed

"Charley told me. There's only so long you could hide from me and I know that you weren't with dodger" Diane said as Alexa looked to her and sighed as she held the baby close

"I wanted time, time with her" Alexa said as Diane smiled

"I know but you get attached doing that and we agreed it was for the best that you gave her up" Diane said as Alexa looked to her and shock her head

"no. I have the right. I haven't signed anything and I'm not yet. You have the twins. You have tiny. What do I have, her and I don't know if I can do this" Alexa said as Diane sat on the bed and smiled

"if you want to keep her you can. I can see it. I can see that you love her besides I don't mind playing grandma. Can I hold her" Diane asked as Alexa smiled as she handed her baby to Diane.

Diane looked down at her and smiled "I want what is best for you and if this is, college..everything we can Make it work" Diane said as Alexa looked to her and smiled

Alexa smiled as she sat looking down at her baby as she sat changing her. She looked as dodger walked in

"can I see her" he asked as she nodded. He walked over and picked her up "she's beautiful"

"she is. I'm going to keep her, and you...I want you to stay away. You threatened me and you said you'd take her away and I can't do it right now. As far as I am concerned we are done and she doesn't need you. You will only let her down" Alexa said as he looked to her and sighed

"lex, please"

"go mark it's for the best and you know it" Alexa said as he walked to the doorway and sighed as he turned to face her

"tell me this. What is her name" he asked as Alexa looked to him and sighed as she looked down to her baby girl

"wynter-Skye" Alexa said

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