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Alexa was confused. She knew how she had the kiss with Freddie and she was confused.

She liked him and she thought that he was great but she knew that the last thing that she was expecting was another relationship especially after Dodger and how he had left her and walked out on her. Alexa knew that she told him to go but she didn't think he would and it still hurt her.

She still cared for him and she worried of wynter and how she was going without a father

"are you okay" Charley asked as she walked into the room as alexa looked to her and sighed

"I have been better. Freddie and I kissed and I just don't know I mean I am not looking for another relationship and it's the last thing I expected to fall for someone else but I do like him" Alexa said as Charley looked to her and smiled

"if you like it then you should go for it I mean you deserve to be happy, you really do and yeah it will be hard but you should make it work if it is what you want and ignore what everyone else things. It will be okay" Charley said as alexa looked to her and smirked
Alexa walked through the village as she saw Freddie, she looked to him and smiled as he walked Over to her and smiled

"hey I thought that we could talk" he said as she looked to him and smiled "yeah that would be good" Alexa said as they walked over and sat where the fountain was. She looked to him and smiled

"a lot is going on with us, I can't stop thinking over that kiss" Alexa said as Freddie looked to her and smiled

"me neither" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"but I also have a baby and I have been messed about so if you just want someone to screw around with your looking at the wrong girl in this" alexa said as he looked to her and smiled

"I'm not okay. I like you and I won't screw your around I promise" he said as he looked to her and smiled as he leant and kissed her.

Alexa kissed him back and smiled. Alexa knew messy that things were and she knew how scared that she was over being hurt but she also knew that she didn't want to end up hurt again and how she wanted to do the best to move on from dodger

Alexa walked through the village and frowned as she saw sienna

"I want to see my niece" sienna said as Alexa looked to her and rolled her eyes

"you think I am going to let a complete nut job near my daughter then you can think again and I don't care if you are her auntie you are having nothing to do with her" Alexa said as sienna looked to her and glared

"you won't get away with this" sienna said as Alexa walked off.

Alexa had no idea how sienna was about to try and ruin her life and how Alexa wasn't going to let her get away with it

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