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Alexa woke up on the boat and groaned. She looked to dodger as he lay asleep next to her. Alexa stood from the bed as she started to get dressed "where are you going" dodger said as Alexa looked to him and smiled "I have to go home before my mum wakes" she said as he placed a hand on her waist and pulled Her close as he leant in and kissed her and kissed her "are you sure that your okay, you don't seem yourself" he said as Alexa looked to him and smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her "I am fine, I promise I just have a bad head and I'm feeling a bit sick. You don't need to worry though, it's nothing for you to worry over" Alexa said as he placed a hand on her cheek as he brushed her hair out of her face and smiled "if your sure" he said

Alexa wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled as she leant in and kissed him. He pushed her onto the bed as he climbed on top of her. Alexa ran her hands through his hair and moaned into the kiss as he ran his hands up nee thighs. They made out passionately as he pulled her close as they stripped off as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her causing her to moan. She pulled him close as they made out passionately. Once they were done, he rolled over next to her and smiled as he pulled her close "it's going to be okay I promise" dodger said as Alexa looked to him and smiled. Alexa hoped he was right knowing she couldn't shift the sickly feeling that she had


Alexa walked through the village later that day. She felt everything spin as she placed her hand on the wall as she felt dizzy. She was seeing two of everything. Alexa started to walk towards the dog and it was the last thing that she remembered before she fainted.

Alexa woke up in hospital and frowned as she saw Diane. Diane looked to her and frowned "we need to talk" Diane said "what happened" "you could of told me over the baby" Diane said as Alexa frowned "what" Alexa said as Diane frowned "you didn't know" Diane asked "no" Alexa said as Diane looked to her and sighed "I taught you all about being safe, I can't believe this Alexa" "I'm sorry" Alexa sobbed as Diane hugged her and smiled "it's okay. We're going find a way through this" Diane said


Charley walked into Alexas hospital room and smiled as she looked to her "hello mummy to be" she said as Alexa glared "don't call me that" "why what's up" Charley asked as Alexa sighed "I'm seventeen and I'm still in school and  pregnant by dodger. I can't have this baby, I'm not ready. I'm not keeping it Charley" Alexa said as Charley looked to her and frowned but could Alexa really give her baby away?

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