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Alexa stood in shock as she saw Dodger standing there with Wynter. She frowned. "How do you have her?" She asked as she took her daughter.

Dodger sighed. "Sienna. She had her all along. Please, don't tell the police. Sienna will be locked up."

"I hope she is! She took my baby and lied about it!" She all but yelled.

Charley came down and frowned. "What's going on?" She asked as she saw her niece. "What the?"

Alexa turned to her sister. She handed Wynter to her. "Sienna took her. Call the police. I'm going to literally murder Sienna Blake."

Alexa took off out the flat. Dodger turned and walked out after her. "Lex please. Don't do this."

"Your sister took my daughter. She put me through hell! And you want me to let her get away with it? No chance! She is going to suffer!"

Sienna came out the flat. She knew Dodger had taken Wynter back. She saw Alexa walking towards her. "Alexa."

Alexa said nothing as she slapped Sienna. She grabbed her and slammed her into a wall. "You are dead. Do you hear me? You took my baby and you are going to pay."

Sienna smiled. "You don't deserve that baby. She deserves better than you. And you know she does. She needs a better mummy. You pushed her daddy away. And he left."

"He left because he didn't want us! So don't you dare use the fact that he left as an excuse to kidnap her! And you're going to pay. The police are coming for you now," she told her.

Freddie saw Alexa sitting with Wynter and smiled. He had heard about how Sienna had taken her. He walked over. "I hear Sienna got arrested. How's little lady?" He asked.

Alexa nodded and sighed. "She's okay. I just feel like she was literally over the road. And I didn't even know. My own baby. I've honestly missed her so much that it physically kills me. I don't even want to leave her alone again,"she told him.

Freddie took her hand. He sighed. "It's a bit odd. Don't you think? Sienna has an alibi. But yet she was the one who took her? I think she's covering for someone."

Alexa looked to him. She frowned. "What? You think she's innocent? She's done this before. Taken a child."

"I don't know. But it doesn't add up. Not one bit," Freddie said.

Alexa didn't know what to think. Not knowing what to believe.

Alexa was sitting in the flat. She had just gotten Wynter to sleep. Charley sat with her. "Hey. How's my little bestie?" She asked.

"Sleeping. Freddie mentioned something. Sienna had an alibi. But yet she was the one who had my baby. Do you think she's covering for someone?"

Charley frowned for a moment. She didn't know what to think. "I don't know. Maybe she is. But it's hard to know," she told her.

Alexa sighed and nodded. She laid down on the sofa and began drifting off. But she had no idea how everything was just about to get completely messed up.

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