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Alexa walked through the village and frowned as she saw sienna. She knew that she was starting to get more and more annoyed by sienna.

She knew that she thought that she was entitled to her daughter and Alexa didn't care what she had to do. She was going to do whatever she had to so that she could protect wynter. Alexa looked to her and glared as she walked over to her

"what is your problem" alexa asked

"what do you mean" sienna asked as Alexa crossed her arms over her chest and looked to her

"what do you think I mean the fact that you won't stop harassing me or my daughter. I want to know what your problem is" Alexa asked

"you are, you drove my brother away" she said as she looked to her and rolled her eyes "what because I didn't want to be with him. I drove him away or was it you and how you thought you were in love and meant to be as we both know the answer to that, so I am telling you once. You are going to stay away from my daughter or I will make you disappear and I mean it" Alexa said as she walked off

Alexa stood in the flat pacing. She was still so angry at everything and at sienna and what she was trying to do. Alexa looked as Freddie walked in and looked to her

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"okay? No I want to rip off my exes sister head. She thinks she has a right to be in my daughters life. She thinks she has a right over everything and I hate it, god I am just so angry and I hate her" Alexa said as Freddie walked over to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her hips and smiled as he looked to her

"I know that you are angry but it will be okay. Look sienna is nuts but she won't hurt you or wynter. I know that you are upset but I promise you that I am here for you and I swear I won't let anyone hurt you as you mean so much to me" he said as she looked to him and smiled

Alexa knew that she and Freddie were starting to get serious and she was glad that she had Freddie to calm her down and she was grateful. Alexa looked to Freddie as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"it's going to be okay I promise" he said as he leant in and kissed her

Alexa sat in the flat and looked as Charley walked in and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" Charley asked as Alexa sat feeding wynter and smiled

"I just want to be a good mum and be there for her and will sienna I just don't know how much longer I can do about it. I don't know if I can be strong for my baby as it's all getting of her" Alexa said as Charley looked to her and smiled

"you are a good mum and it's going to be okay and we will make sienna pay I promise" Charley said as she looked to her and smiled knowing she'd do anything to keep her daughter safe

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