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Alexa sighed as she walked through the village. She was trying to get wynter to sleep. Alexa knew that she had done a lot of things wrong but she knew that her baby girl was what mattered the most to her.

Alexa looked as she started to drop off and smiled as she wrapped a blanket around her and sighed as she continued to walk through the village. Alexa knew that she didn't want to go back to the flat yet and she knew that her baby girl meant everything to her

"excuse me" she heard someone say as she turned to see someone covered in tattoos. She looked to him and smirked. She thought he was attractive

"you dropped this" he said as he handed her a teddy. She looked to him and smiled "thanks" Alexa said as she placed it in the pushchair next to wynter and smiled

"I haven't seen you around here before" Alexa said as he looked to her and smiled

"my family just moved to the area I'm Freddie Roscoe" he said as he took a hold of her hand

"nice to meet you Freddie in Alex O'Connor and this is wynter" Alexa said as Freddie smiled

"pleasure to meet you. Both of you" Freddie said as Alexa smiled

Alexa got back to the flat as she saw Charley looking at her and smirking "what" Alexa asked

"who was the guy you were talking to earlier" Charley asked as Alexa rolled her eyes "grow up. It's nothing. He is a new and we were just talking that's all. Besides it's not as if I have time for a relationship" Alexa said as Charley looked to her and smiled

"who said anything about a relationship I mean your a new mum and you need to focus on her but it doesn't mean you can't have fun or sex" Charley said as Alexa looked to her and smirked

"sex is a no go with me yet. It still hurts and Freddie. I just met him I am not going to sleep with him I mean yeah he is good looking and attractive but that doesn't mean anything" Alexa said As Charley looked to her and smiled

"fair enough but you are allowed to move on from dodger. He wasn't good enough for you and you need a real man to take care of you" Charley said as Alexa looked to her and smirked

"like you and warren fox. Right now I'm focusing on wynter and if anything happens with anyone it will but I'm not pushing it" Alexa said as Charley looked to her and smiled

Alexa smiled as she looked dienes at wynter who lay asleep on her chest. She couldn't stop thinking over what Charley said over her and Freddie.

Alexa knew that she needed to k or on from dodger. She knew he was wynter dad but he had hurt her.

Alexa knew it was a mess but part of her knew that she wanted something with her and Freddie and she wanted to make something work but was Alexa really ready to move in with someone else? Especially so soon after having her heart broken?

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