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Just as Sienna was about to tell Alexa the truth, Alexa had to go and sort out Wynter. She was sick of the truth being kept from her.

Alexa just wanted to know what had happened. She wanted to know who had taken her daughter. She knew she had her back. But there was still the feeling that someone would take her again.

She felt like it had to be someone who could easily get access to her. She had been on edge constantly. She didn't trust anyone with her own daughter.

All she was that things were messy. And she didn't know what else to do.

Morning came all too quickly. She saw Wynter asleep in bed next to her. She sighed and kissed the top of her head.

The door opened and Charley walked in. She smiled. "Hey. I thought I'd offer to take madam for breakfast. I know you're worried about letting her out your sight. But she'll be safe with me."

Alexa nodded. She sighed. "Thanks. I think you're the only one I trust with you. Probably cause you're an evil bitch. And no one will cross you."

Charley smirked and nodded. "Oh I know. She'll be safe with me."

Alexa gently shook her daughter awake. Wynter opened her eyes and yawned. Alexa handed her to her sister. "Promise me you'll look after her."

"I promise. She will be returned to you in one piece. I promise," Charley said.

Alexa went out into the village. She saw Freddie and smiled. "Hey. It's weird seeing you without your mini me. Where is she?" He asked.

"She's with Charley. You and Charley are probably the only ones I trust with her. I'm just... I'm scared that someone will take her from me," she mumbled.

Freddie looked to her. He took her hand. "No one will take her. I promise you," he told her.

Alexa smiled. She sighed and looked to him. "I don't know anymore. I feel like maybe my head is going to explode. I can't sleep. I need to stay awake until she's fast asleep. And even then I need her close to me."

"You're going to be okay babe. I know you're scared. But it's going to be okay," Freddie said as he pulled her close.

Alexa laid her head on his chest. She was scared of everything going wrong for her.

Alexa saw Sienna and walked over to her. "I think we need to talk," she said as she looked to her.

Sienna sighed. "Not yet. We can talk later. I've got stuff to do. I'll meet you a little later," she told her with a smile.

Alexa stood there and rolled her eyes. She felt annoyed. And she wanted nothing more than to find out the truth about Wynter. And who took her.

Alexa smiled as Charley walked over to her. Wynter was fast asleep in the pushchair. "Has she been okay? I've been worried about her."

Charley nodded and smiled. "She's been golden. I've fed her. And now she's fast asleep for you," she told her.

Alexa smiled as she looked to her daughter. Not knowing how it was all about to change for her as the truth came out.

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