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Alexa walked onto dodger boat and smiled as she saw him. She looked to see dirk who looked to her and smiled "hey Alexa hows it's going." He asked as Alexa looked to him and smiled

"I'm good" Alexa said as dirk looked to her and smiled "see, she's a good one and she's pregnant with your baby. Why didn't you stick with her instead of messing around with Theresa" dirk said as Alexa looked to dodger and frowned

"I thought that was over with" Alexa asked as dodger looked to her and to dirk

"you couldn't keep your big mouth shut could you" dodger said to dirk as alexa stormed off. Dodger walked after her and sighed as he realised that she was gone.

He was annoyed, he knew he and Alexa were just getting on and now she was gone and he had no idea where she had gone. Dodger sighed to himself as he ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He knew he needed to find Alexa and try and find a way to put it right with her.

He knew that she was pregnant with his baby and even if Diane was going to raise their baby he knew he needed to prove to Alexa what she meant to him and that Theresa was nothing to him

Alexa sighed to herself as she sat in the folly. She looked as she saw Charley as she walked in "and who are you avoiding ?" Alexa said as Charley looked to her and smirked

"my father, and you?" Charlee asked as she sat next to Alexa who had her hands rested on her bump "dodger, I think he is still sleeping with Theresa" Alexa said as Charley looked to her and frowned.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked as she looked at her.

"No. Dirk let it slip and now I can't help but think that has it been going on while we've been together?" She asked.

Charley sighed. "I don't know babes. I'll kill him."

Alexa shook her head and sighed. "It's not worth it. I thought he loved me. He said he loved me more than once while we were having sex."

Charley hated how Alexa was feeling so down. She wasn't going to let Dodger get away with what he had done.

Alexa was sitting in bed. She was feeling broken. She got a text from Dodger;

Please come and see me. I need to explain- Dodger x

Alexa ignored the message. She threw her phone against the wall and cried. Charley walked in and climbed into bed with her. "It's going to be okay babes. I promise you."

"How? He betrayed me in the worse way possible and for that, I hate him. I really hate him Charley," Alexa sobbed.

Charley held her close. She felt so bad for what she had been through. "It's going to be okay."

Alexa found herself wanting to kill Theresa. But with her hormones all over the place, would she do what she thought she wanted to do?

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