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Alexa sighed to herself as she walked into the club where Charley was with warren. Alexa looked to her and smiled

"you look terrible Lex, are you sure that you are okay?" Charley asked as Alexa sat down.

Charley walked over to his sister and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I can see that your head is a mess, and I can see that you are going through a lot and I am worried over you. Your my sister, talk to me. What is going on with you" Charley asked as Alexa stood up and sighed.

"It's dodger, he says I am everything to him, he says he wants to keep the baby and then one minute he is sleeping with Theresa and saying that it means nothing. I just don't know what to do" Alexa said as she rubbed her bump

"and let me guess, you are having doubts, your having doubts over giving the baby up as one part of you wants her and wants to be a happy family but you also don't trust him and you think you will regret giving her up" Charley said as Alexa looked to her with tears in her eyes

"I just don't know what to do, I thought I was doing what's best but now, I don't know" Alexa said as she started to cry as Charley pulled her into a hug and smiled

Alexa walked through the village and sighed as she saw dodger, he walked over to her and smiled

"I know that things are hard babe but I am here, I am here for you and I know you don't trust me but you can. I love you and I am here for you, I want to do this with you, all of this" he said as he rested a hand on her bump. She looked to him and sighed

"we had sex a few times we weren't official and I got pregnant but you don't need to step up. I have a plan" Alexa said as he looked to her and sighed

"what? Giving her to your mum. Do you really think you can do it, the rest of your life watching our daughter call someone else mum, when it's meant to be you. It will kill you and you know it" dodger said as Alexa looked to him and sighed

"I'm not going to be selfish dodger, not with something like this. Not when it's all a mess, I am not messing up her life" Alexa said as dodger sighed

"your making a mistake, and you forget I have rights too" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"what do you mean?"

"I mean I am the father and you can't give her up unless I agree, and I don't" dodger said as he walked off as Alexa groaned as she felt a sharp pain hit her

Alexa got back to the flat and groaned as she felt a sharp pain. She stood in the kitchen as Charley walked in.

Charley walked into the room and frowned and looked to Alexa as she bent over in pain

"Lex? Are you okay?" Charley asked as Alexa looked to her and frowned

"no, something doesn't feel right, I think I am in labour" Alexa said as she groaned. She felt her water break and frowned.

She was in labour and it was too early and it scared her as she knew that she could loose her baby

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