6 - Close (edited, new chapter)

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all new chapter :D

[wattpad appears to have rated it R because of the language i've used but yeah, screw them]


6 - Close

 Maya Sumedh

“Hey, Luke, check it out.”

 Sam’s snigger was soft in the dim lighting of our living room. It was late on Tuesday night – we were lounging about; Luke was on his laptop, I was reading, and Sam was revising maths.

 Luke made a ‘hm?’ noise.

 “Look, this hyperbola I drew looks like boobs.”

 I rolled my eyes at my book and I heard Luke shift over. Both boys snickered.

  “I’m still in the room, guys.”

 Sam ruffled my hair. “Don’t mind us, Soapmouth.”

 I smacked his hand away, smiling slightly at his use of the nickname he’s given me in fourth grade when the teachers used to constantly talk about washing my mouth out with soap because I swore too much. Needless to say, it kind of stuck.

 “I’m just gonna go,” I muttered but then Sam grabbed my hand quickly.

 “Okay, sorry, sorry. God. You girls are so oversensitive.”

  I chuckled, going back to my book.

 “You boys are so perverted.”

 “Oh, look who’s being a saint.”

 “Sameer, I still know about those magazines you hid under your bed –”

 “They were Nick’s, Maya, not mine –”

 “Guys,” Luke interrupted. We looked towards him; Sam fuming at me – to see him nodding towards the wobbly glass doors of the living room, through which I could see Ma’s shape approaching.

 “Kids!” she trilled, sticking her head in.

 “Ma!” Sam and I responded in unison, mocking her high pitch.

 “Your dad and I are going to bed,” she told us, ignoring Sam and me. “So lock up before you guys go upstairs and don’t forget to put the lights off okay?”

 “Yes, Mrs. Sumedh,” Luke chanted dutifully and then blushed when me and Sam just nodded like bored kids. I grinned at him and he wrinkled his nose at me. Ma, on the other hand, was beaming at him.

 “Okay then! Goodnight,” she said, bowing out gracefully and shutting the door behind her, leaving silence in her wake.

 Sam was quietly scribbling down the answer to a definite integral sum. Luke was frowning at his laptop, his foot jiggling and the hair on the back of his head sticking up. Just as I was about to go back to reading, Sam spoke.

 “I still haven’t fixed the car.”

 I glanced at him. He was frowning at me, tapping his pencil on his lower lip.

 “Do you think insurance will cover the touch up and stuff?” he asked me.

 It took me a moment to realize that he was talking about the damage that had happened the day I picked Luke up from the airport.

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