19 - Tease

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this is bloody long and is literally only maya+luke time you have to vote okay

the song on the side is divine (it's hindi though so many of you may not understand it....)

i'll dedicate this chapter later :)


19 - Tease

Luke Waters

It was two in the morning and I should have been asleep but I wasn’t.

 I couldn’t.

 I was snuggled deep under the covers; the room was cool, moonlight trickling in through the open blinds. But Maya was with me, body warm under the sheets, legs intertwined with mine, her fingers resting lightly on my neck, my pulse beating under her touch. Her breath fanned across my chest evenly in sleep.

 It was all very real in that moment. When she was in my arms, and I could feel her body pressed against mine. I wanted to just hold onto it because I was still hung in some kind of panting disbelief about all that had happened. When she’d walked into my room and said all those things I couldn’t breathe, I just wanted to stare at her and tell her how much I cared for her and I don’t know if I loved her – maybe I did, but I wasn’t going to say that, not yet at least – she’d probably get scared off.

 Even if I wasn’t sure if I loved her – I understood some things.

 I understood why they call it falling in love.

 Because I couldn’t really control it. I couldn’t control that magnetism, that pull, that was making me fall, I just knew that I was falling, and hard. And the fall was....exhilarating, like when I drew her close by her waist and kissed her, like that moment we connected. Because falling was terrifying but still felt amazing. Because falling was just another was to fly. Because you can’t choose whether to fall. You just do. And you can’t tell why you fall. Or anything – it was confusing and strange and terrifying but I just didn’t care, because if it meant that I could hold Maya the way I was, and be held by her, I would fall forever.

 It was not in my nature to be thinking of such things.

 I actually surprised myself, lying in bed and thinking about love. If only Leo could see me now.

 An owl hooted outside. The house was quiet. Maya’s breathing was even, her hair spread about her face like a thick, dark halo, over the pillows and my chest, brushing across my arm under her head. I smoothed it off her face.

 I couldn’t sleep.

 I also understood why they say that when you love someone you love all of them – I’ve always thought that that was the only way you can love someone but now I really understood it. Maya was just Maya; I couldn’t imagine her without her flaws. Flaws made her human and in a strange way even more beautiful.

 Stop being a sap, I tried telling myself. It didn’t work though.

 So many things to tell her.

 Why did I have to meet her here? Four thousand miles away from home and only four months left.

 I tried not to think about that.

 Then she stirred.

 I looked down at her as she groaned, her hand on my neck moving to my hair.

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