45 - April 1st

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Okay so before you read this:

1. This is a very badly written chapter and I apologise

2. I am aware that Dr. Forsyth is in New Jersey but for convenience sake I've dumped him in Springfield in this chapter. Sorry. I'll figure it out later.

3. I'm sorry that Maya's parts are getting so short, but it's more of Luke's story than hers at this point really. 

4. The next two chapters are juicy as fuck and you guys are going to either love me or hate me I don't know lets see.


45 – April 1st

 Luke Waters

“So what seems to be the problem?”

 Dr. Forsyth surveyed me over his cup of nine am coffee, smiling kindly. I could hardly return the smile. I hitched my bag further up on my lap and said, “I don’t remember saying there was a problem on the phone…?”

“Ah, you didn’t. But it’s not every day that people ring up their psychiatrists demanding to see them immediately when there’s no problem.”

 I swallowed. It had been a tough few days. I had done what I had to do, and I was suddenly in a haze, unable to function or think with the weight of the things hovering in my brain.

 “I didn’t know who else to go to.”

 He put his coffee down and gestured to the chair across his table. “Be my guest.”

 I wheeled myself in front of his table and put my bag near my feet. I looked at the small framed photograph of Dr. Forsyth’s family and his inkstand at the edge of the table, and I found myself unable to explain clearly what help I needed.

“Doctor, I saw the pictures.”

“Every one of them?”

I looked at him in the eye.

 “Every one of them.”

He nodded and polished his glasses on his shirt.


 I chewed on my words.

 “I remember…but I don’t remember. It’s…it’s there, but it’s not quite there, I mean, it’s like when you know the answer to a question but you only properly know it when you look at it written down? I don’t know if I’m making sense.”

 “You are. You’re making perfect sense. What you need for perfect recollection is to experience those events, or rather, the person central to those events, again.”

 I was quiet.

“Which, I’m given to believe, in your case, is not quite possible.”

I looked down at my shoes.

 “Not really, no.”

 But my stomach hadn’t stopped churning for days, and I knew why.

 “But Doctor…”


“I do need to. I just – this girl – her name is Maya. And I, uh, she was –”

“Your girlfriend.”

I looked at him.

“Your friend told me,” he said, smiling. “Mr. Mandrakis.”

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