18 - The Deep End

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unedited chapter for the win. dedicated to nadine cause we're soulmates bro <3 and she told me to listen to the song on the side ahaha and it's so perfect i just cry


18 - The Deep End

Maya Sumedh

 “Okay. Listen to me.”

 Layla was staring at me seriously.

 I stared back, equally serious.

 “I’m listening.”

 We were in the kitchen, after dessert had been cleared. Sam and Luke were in the dining room with the parents – we were hiding in here.

 She bit her lip, frowning at me.

 “He kissed you.”


 “This morning.”

 I couldn’t help the grin that broke out on my face.


 She shook her head at me.

 “Maya....I don’t know. Maybe you guys shouldn’t kiss and assume. I mean, put a label on it.”

 I heaved out a breath, leaning against the counter.

 “You don’t think that’s a bit...”

 She raised her eyebrow, challenging me.

 “A bit what? I think you deserve to know if he’s just fooling around. Or if he’s now apparently your boyfriend.”

 I chewed on my lip, considering this. She had a point.

 Before I could answer though, the kitchen doors swung open and the boys strode in.

 “Sup, girls?” Sam crowed, walking over and slinging an arm around Layla’s shoulder. She blushed as she pressed against his side. Luke stood on Sam’s other side, facing me. I met his gaze and then immediately wished I hadn’t, because my insides melted when I saw the electric blue of his irises.

 “Why are you guys hiding in here?” he questioned, looking at me.

 With a perfectly straight face. Even though the last thing we did was kiss.

 I controlled the reaction my body wanted to have.

 “We’re not hiding,” I informed him.

 “But,” Layla squeaked from under Sam’s arm, “We have things to talk about it.”

 “Girl things,” I added, grabbing her arm and starting towards the doors.

 “Whoa, wait!”

 Sam grabbed her wrist, yanking her back. I held on though.

 “I wanted movie night,” he pouted.

 “Yeah, movie night,” Luke agreed, and I made the mistake of looking at him. He was smirking at me again. I stuck my tongue out at him, and then at Sam.

 “Not tonight, guys.”

 They both scowled at me as I pulled Layla away.

As we walked out of the kitchen, I saw Luke looking at me, all hint of playfulness gone.


 We were sat on my bed an hour later. I knew Luke was in his room. His presence weighed on my mind. Even when I wasn’t thinking about him consciously. He was metres away from me. And that doubt was eating away at me.

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