21 - Tuesday Morning

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  • Dedicated to gayathri. happy (belated) birthday

lol the chapter name is so bad i can't even

anyway, sorry for the delay, i had exams. but this is extra long, so yeah c:


21 - Tuesday Morning

Luke Waters

 We ordered pizza for dinner that night.

 Maya and I stayed cooped up in Mr. Sumedh’s study till lunchtime, Sam popped in occasionally but we were left alone. I could’ve, frankly, stayed there the whole day, wrapped up in her, just reading but we couldn’t. Lunch was quiet and lazy and the afternoon even more so. As it approached seven o clock, Mrs. Sumedh announced that she couldn’t be ‘arsed to cook dinner, so just order pizza, kids, sorry.’

 Sam, Maya and I were lounging in the living room as was customary, watching some crappy movie that was coming on TV. Maya was leaning against my side, my arm innocently around her shoulder because of the presence of assorted family members. But sometimes I’d get distracted by her fingers tracing small circles on my palm or her lips whispering along my neck. I don’t think either of us was paying a lot of attention to the movie.

 A break came on and Maya said, “I have to have ‘a talk’ with the parents after dinner.”

 Sam twisted in his armchair to fix her with a look.

 “A talk, eh?”

 She nodded. I pulled back a little so I could see her face.

 “What about?”

 She made a face. “College. Exams. Applications. It’ll most probably morph into a lecture on responsibility, just you watch.”

 Sam frowned. “Ah, I dunno. I mean, you have everything to start preparing, they’re just gonna be like get serious and all that.”

 “Ugh, I know. I know.”

 I squeezed her hand.

 “Relax. It’ll be fine.”

 She nodded, leaning against me again, twisting her fingers in the material of my t-shirt.

 “Yeah. Whatever. Okay.”

 Hesitantly, I smoothed her hair back from her forehead, unsure of how...er, affectionate I could be in front of Sam. He was, after all, the older brother.

 He caught my eye and smirked.

 “You don’t have to look so terrified, Luke.”

 Maya giggled into my chest and I felt warmth rise in my neck.

 “Whatever, Sam,” I mumbled, looking down.

 “I feel weird saying this,” Sam declared, “but you guys have my approval okay, so just...yeah, you don’t have to be so furtive and sneaky around me.”

 I could feel Maya’s warm face through the fabric of my t-shirt.

 “Shut up Sam, we’re not being furtive.”

 “We kind of are,” I informed her.

 She clicked her tongue.


 Then Sam said something in very, very rapid Hindi and Maya squealed and chucked a pillow at him. I smiled to myself.

 “Sam!” she shrieked. “You freak!”

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