Chapter 59: Engaged A Day And Already Wedding Talk

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            "There's my handsome grandbaby," Callie's mother coos when Callie rounds the corner. She sets the diaper bag in the booth beside her and handing over her son to his grandmother.

            "Hi mom, nice to see you too," Callie smirks.

            "How are you honey?" her dad asks. Callie's mom holding Kaiser and talking to him, completely ignoring Callie and her father.

             "I'm good," she answers, taking a long pull from her tall glass of water the waitress sets down.

             "He's sure growing like a weed ain't he?" her dad asks.

             "Oh yeah," Callie nods, looking over at her son who is giggling at his grandma. "He's ornery though. I like to think he got that trait from his dad," Callie says, looking down at the menu.

            "So, how does it feel to be engaged?" her mom finally contributes to the conversation.

             "It's weird, but I mean I like it. Instead of introducing Josh as my boyfriend I can say, fiancé. It has a nice ring to it."

            "Have you guys set a date yet?"

             "I mean no mom, we've only been engaged for a day and sorry you have to hear this dad, but there wasn't much talking last night."

             Callie's mom smirks while her dad's reaction is much different. He scowls a little and prying his grandson out of his wife's fingers. They go ahead and order before anymore conversation is started.

             "Are you guys going to get married here or what? I don't know how that works with Josh being stationed here."

             "Yeah, I'm not sure how that works either, but I was going to see about getting married back in Michigan," Callie reveals. "Both our families and extended families live there and it's easier to fly three people than fifty plus people."

             "Yeah, that makes sense. Do you think Josh will be up for it?" her father asks.

             "I believe so," Callie nods. "We'll talk about it tonight I'm sure after the kids go to sleep."


            "Josh's nephew Zach is going to spend the night with us. Even though Kaiser and him are different ages, they are two peas in a pod," Callie smiles, thinking back to the arm fart incidence.

            "He is a cute kid," her mom says.

            "And sweet. He's already calling me Aunt Callie, and I can't get enough," Callie laughs.

             "Good feeling isn't it?"

             Callie nods as they order their food. 

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