Chapter 55: Speeches

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            Her eyes scan over the other patrons sitting at the Italian restaurant that Callie settled on to meet her parents. The two both turn their head when they see the car pull up, park, and two people climb out. Callie looks over at Josh, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

            "Here we go," Callie says, patting Josh's thigh. The two walk in, hugging Callie and taking Kaiser before sitting down. Not once acknowledging Josh.

            "How come you guys wanted to see us?" Callie asks, getting straight to the point.

            "Well, we we're going to talk to you about moving home now that you're done with school," Callie's mom smiles.

            "Um, Texas is where Josh is stationed," Callie informs.

            "Yes, that is where Josh is stationed," her mom answers, noticing the enunciating on Josh's name.

            Callie peers her eyes at her mother. "I'm not taking Kaiser away from him by moving back here."

             "Honey, you'd be better off."

            A look of shock overtaking Josh's face.

            "I'm not taking my child away from his father."

            "You're never going to like me, are you?" Josh interrupts.

             "Josh," Callie says, sliding her hand on his thigh under the table. "You guys have to accept that I had a child by him, and I love him. I'm not moving back here just because you don't want me to be with him and you want more time with Kaiser."

            "You can do a lot better and Kaiser should be around his family."

            "Kaiser is around his family," Callie begins calmly. "Josh and I are his family. His mom and his dad. If you guys aren't going to accept it then I don't want you in my life or Kaiser's. You two need to realize that people change. Josh has changed. He's a good man. He fights for our country. You should be thanking him that you are eating right now. You should be thanking him that you have the freedom to judge people, especially him," she says, pointing towards Josh. "I have listened to you guys all my life. You keep telling me that Josh doesn't deserve me. No, you guys don't deserve Kaiser and me if you guys are going to act like assholes to his dad that cares so much about him and myself."

            "Babe, it's okay," Josh says, rubbing the back of Callie's neck.

            "Callie, there's no reason to act like this," says her mother.

             "I have every single reason to act like this. You guys have controlled my life since day one. You judged him since day on. That day you saw him at the hospital when I was hit, you started to despise him. Mind you, that he showed up way before you guys did. Yeah, he's made mistakes. We all have. He's not perfect, I'm not perfect, but he's what I want, and no matter how much you don't like it, it's happening. We are together now whether we work out or not because of him," she nods to Kaiser sleeping in his carrier. "We'll always be in each other's lives. If you guys can't respect me and my decisions and respect my boyfriend, then get up and leave."

             "I'm sorry," Callie's mom says to Josh.

            "Um, thank you," he replies. "Babe, why don't you take Kaiser out to the car and I'll be right behind you okay?"

            Callie looks over at Josh, nodding her head. She stands up from the table and grabs Kaiser, the diaper bag, and her purse, walking out with not another word.

             "You guys don't have to like me but do know this. I love Callie and I love my son more than anything, and I will do anything to make sure that they're happy and I'm not going anywhere. I also was going to ask your permission to marry Callie, but I don't give a shit now. I want you in Kaiser's life but don't ever put her in a situation like that ever again."

            Josh rises from his seat after speaking his peace, leaving Callie's parents speechless. He joins Callie back in the car, starting the vehicle and pulling away.

            "I love you and I'm proud of you," he looks over at Callie.

              "I love you too and thank you."

            "Come on, let's go home."

            "Did you say anything to them?" Callie looks over at Josh.

             "Not much."

            "You're a liar," she chuckles.

             "Don't worry about it."

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