Chapter 47: Search Party

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            "Miss. Jacobs?" Callie hears, opening her eyes and looking up. The surgeon walking in.

            "Yes, that's me," she nods, quickly getting up from her chair and stepping over to the doctor. The blood on her clothes dried.

            "Do you want to see him?"

            "Yes please," Callie nods, feeling the doctor's hand on the small of her back. They step into Josh's room who is in a hospital gown with an IV in his hand and another IV for blood transfusion. Josh looks up at them as they walk in.

            "He was shot ten times. It's quite amazing that he survived and that he is already recovering," says the doctor in disbelief.

            "Babe," Callie says quietly, walking over to Josh with tears in her eyes.

            "Ssh babe, I'm fine," Josh says, sliding his hand on her hip. Callie carefully wraps her arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug.

            "I'm going to get him back," Josh says, sliding his arms around Callie.

            "You can't do anything. You're hurt."

            "I'm fine," kissing the top of her head.

             "I'm scared," Callie says, pulling away.

            "Don't be scared. I'm going to kill the people that did this," he reassures, moving a little and patting the spot next to him.

            "No, it's okay. You need to rest," Callie says, crossing her arms as a nurse walks in.

            "Babe, I'm fine."

            "How are you doing honey?" the nurse asks Josh, checking his bandages. Callie moves out of the way and watches. "How's your pain level right now? You need more medicine?"

            "I'm feeling a lot better," Josh nods. The nurse looking at the stitches. "I don't think I need any pain meds."

            "You sure?" she asks surprised.

              "Yes, thank you."

             "They are amazed how fast you're healing and quite frankly, I am too," Callie says once the nurse leaves.

            "Callie, they took Kai because they want me. I was the only one that when they tested on me, the stuff they were using bonded with my DNA. It's why I'm like this. They took Kaiser so I can trade me for him."


            "I have to do it Callie."

            "Trade him for you? Are you insane?"

             "I have no choice."

             Callie's eyes fill with tears as she looks away. Josh moving and getting out bed. "Sit back down," she scolds, "you don't need to be moving."

             "No, I need to go and get our son back."

            "You haven't been released yet."

           "It doesn't matter. I'll be fine."

             "Josh," Callie says, "you need to be released," she says, placing a hand on Josh's chest, palm down.

             "No, I need to make sure Kai is safe."

            "Where is he?" she asks.

             "I'm not sure where they're keeping him."

            "I don't want to lose you," Callie says sadly.

            "You won't. I'll be back," he says, kissing the top of her head. "Come on, let's get me home."

            The doctor releases Josh with no problems. He's shown signs of getting better and feeling good, recovering abnormally fast. Callie and Josh get back to the apartment, walking in as the guys that Josh works with is all over the place. Callie sees them, swallowing hard and holding Josh's hands, still in the same blood dried clothes she found Josh in.

            "Why don't we go and take a bath?" Josh suggests, kissing her forehead.

            "What? Oh okay," she says, zoned out from everything that has happened in the past ten hours.

            Sighing, Josh takes Callie's hand and leads her into the bathroom, shutting the door and starting the bath. "Get in, I'll be back in a second," he says, walking out of the room.

             Callie nods as Josh steps out and she peels off her clothes. She slides into the huge, clawfoot bathtub. Her hair in a bun on top of her head. All she can think about is Kaiser. Hoping and praying that he is okay and safe.

            "Where is he?" Josh asks, walking up to his commanding officer.


             "Yes Kaiser. Where is he? Did you find them yet?"

             "I'm sorry Josh, no we haven't. But we are doing everything in our power."

            "You better fucking find him," Josh interrupts him, "or else I'll be going after every fucking hole they could be hiding in," he yells. His finger in his CO's face.

            "Calm down Josh. We'll find him okay. You need to rest," pushing on Josh's chest a little.

              "No, I need my son."

            "Stand down Collins," his CO says, giving him a stern look. "We will find him. Go tend to your girlfriend," nodding towards the hallway.

            Callie is pulled from her thoughts as she hears the bathroom door open, opening her eyes and seeing Josh. "Have they found him?" Callie asks, sitting up.

            "They have some leads."

            Josh slides in the bathtub behind Callie, moving his arms around her. She leans back as her back rests against his chest.

            "I'll get him. I love you, okay?"

             A tear rolls down her cheek, dropping on Josh's arm. "I love you too. I want him back babe. I'm scared. What if they hurt him?" she turns and looks up at Josh.

            "They won't. I swear to you," he says. The two sitting in silence. Callie's thoughts focused on Kaiser. "I'm retiring from the military after this," he informs her.

            "What?" she looks at him.

            "I'm going to retire. I can't put you through stuff like this and Kai doesn't deserve any of this."

            Callie looks away, feeling relieved that he is considering retirement, however feeling guilty too because she knows how much the military means to him.

            "I'm going to need a sugar momma," he smirks, trying to lighten the mood a little.  

            "A sugar momma huh?" Callie asks, playing with his fingers.

            "Yes, this paid well, so I have a lot of money saved, but I don't have many skills you want to market. When can you try out for the team in Chicago?"

            "Next month."

            "Well, no pressure, but soon you're going to have a jobless boyfriend, baby daddy."

             "Baby daddy, who came up with that term?"

            "I have no damn clue," he laughs.

            "Jobless boyfriend baby daddy," Callie says, repeating Josh. 

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