Chapter 31: It's A Boy!

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            The days come and go and not a single word is said to Josh or vice versa. Sitting down at a table outside a café, she scrolls through her phone re-reads messages while waiting for her mom who is in town.

            "Hey honey. Are you okay?" she hears her mom's voice, putting her phone down and looking. She's happy her mom is in Texas on a business trip so she can talk to her mom in person. Her mother not knowing about the fight between her and Josh. "You look upset. What's wrong?"

            "It's nothing," Callie says, taking a sip of her water.

            "Okay," her mother nods. The two ladies talking about everything besides Josh. Her mother doing most of the talking while Callie pushes most of her food around her plate. "So is Josh back yet?"

            "I have no idea, don't care," Callie says, knowing that's a lie.

            "What did he do?"

            "Mom, I don't want to talk about it, okay?" she says.

            "Okay, when you're ready."

            Callie wipes the single tear that tried to escape and continues to eat, washing it down with a big gulp of water.

            "He told me it wasn't his basically and that he didn't know who I've slept with," Callie finally spills. "And he told me we weren't together, that all we did was sleep around," she concludes, crossing her arms and looking at her mom. "I asked if he was going to be part of his baby's life and he just walked out."

            "Asshole," her mother says after a deep breath.

            "Do you have time to go to my appointment with me?" Callie asks.

            "Of course, honey."

            After paying for lunch, Callie and her mother head to the appointment, finding out the sex of the baby on the agenda for the day. She lays back on the table, the ultrasound tech moving the wand all around her swollen belly, her mom watching.

            "So, you ready to know?" the tech asks, looking at the monitor.

            Callie nods.

            "Well," she begins after a couple minutes, "looks like you're having a boy," she says, pointing out the features on the monitor. Callie grins with excitement of knowing. The tech prints out a couple of sonogram pictures, giving them to Callie. As she gets dressed, she can't help but think that even though she loves her mom, she wishes Josh would have been there after everything that went down between them. 

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