Chapter 7: Unnecessary Nervousness

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            Practice comes and goes, Callie spending the majority of her time pitching and learning new pitches. Ending practice with a few more minutes of batting practice and exiting the gym with a bag of ice around her shoulder. Her eyes look up to the sound of keys jingling. The new student Josh leaning against a motorbike, thumbs tapping on his phone, jacket unzipped. She takes a deep breath, fumbling with her car keys, walking to her car.

            "Hey," she hears Josh say. Her eyes focusing on the good-looking guy.

            "Hey?" Callie responds, tossing her gym bag in the backseat of her car.

            "How are you?"

             "Um, I'm good. What about you?" Callie asks with a smile, shutting the car door.

            "I'm good. You're pretty impressive," he nods towards the now empty softball field.

            Callie can't help but laugh, "thank you."

            "I take it you've been playing the game a long time?" he asks, crossing his arms.

            "Yep," Callie nods once more, "all my life it seems like."

            "It shows."

            "So you stayed after school and watched me?" she chuckles with nervousness.

            "Well, I mean, I saw you warming up and you just impressed me so I stuck around."

            Callie's eyes raise.

            "Wow, that sounded a lot creepier than I intended it to be," Josh chuckles. "I'm sorry, let me rephrase. I was walking to my bike and I happened to look over when securing my bag and saw the team warming up and I noticed you on the mound. I saw you pitch a few times and before I knew it the team was walking off the field."

            "Still sounds creepy," she smirks, looking towards his bike. "Is that a Ducati 848?" she asks, crossing her arms and making circles around the bike.

            Josh raises an eyebrow, "you know bikes?"

            "Some," she nods. "My uncle is big on racing bikes and all that. He's got a few different models and brands himself. He used to race them when he was younger."

            "Alright," Josh nods, clearly impressed. "But yes, it's a Ducati 848."

            "Hmm," Callie smiles, walking off. "Impressive," she says, opening her car door and getting in. "So, what's your story?" Callie asks.

            "I don't have a story," Josh shrugs.

            "Everyone has a story."

            "Fine, you go first," he smirks a little.

            "I asked you first," Callie laughs.

            "Fine, um I was born and raised here. I used to go to the private school in the city."

             "Yeah I remember that," Callie nods, trying not to get lost in his beautiful deep blue eyes.

            "But I got kicked out because I would get into fights. My grades were never an issue. I guess you could say I have a bad temper. Plus, they didn't like the tattoos," he smiles, "which my parents absolutely hate."

            "Yeah, my parents aren't too fond of mine either. I have wings on my back."

            "Yeah I know," Josh confesses. "I saw it in class the other day. But no, my parents have issues because I'll admit, I get bored in school, but working for my dad helps keep me out of trouble."

            "My parents are very strict," Callie begins. "I'm always doing school work and when I'm not doing school work, I'm practicing. I have a full ride scholarship to Texas for softball," Callie says proudly.

            "Wow, Texas huh? I mean, I see it."

            "Yeah I signed my Junior year."

            "Impressive, again," Josh nods.

            The conversation interrupted by the loud ring in her pocket. Callie sees her mom calling. She silences the phone call and her eyes meet Josh's gaze.


            "You better get going so you can get home and get tucked into bed," Josh smirks, winking at her.

            "Whatever," Callie rolls her eyes, pushing him on his arm. Callie feels a hand on her arm as Josh turns her around and plants a kiss right on her lips. She can't bring herself to pull away, kissing him back and not knowing where to put her hands.

            "Well, you should probably go," Josh pulls back a few seconds later.

            "What? Oh yeah, going, yeah, right," Callie pulls away. "Um, see you later," she walks back to her car, still in a little shock at what just happened. Callie heads home, the gentle exchange with Josh on her mind. 

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