Chapter 45: Abducted

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            Arriving back in Texas hours later, returning to her life of finishing school, being a girlfriend and being a mom. She gets back into the routine of school, being able to graduate at the end of the school year. Stepping out of class, anxious to go home and see her boys. Josh only having one more week of his leave.

            Pulling into her driveway, she climbs out of her car and fiddles with her keys as she walks up the steps. She raises her eyes and sees the front door not only opened, but kicked in. She steps in slowly and sees broken glass, shattered picture frames, items tossed everywhere. The red trail catches her eye, walking over to get a better look. Callie kneels down, dabbing her finger in the red liquid. Her heart skips a beat, and her throat catches with the strong copper smell. Blood.

             "Josh?!" Callie yells, standing up straight. Her eyes falling on the blood trail disappearing into Kaiser's room.

            She follows the trail, rushing into the room. Josh is lying the floor by Kaiser's crib, clothes covered in blood. She runs over and hears him groan.

            "Babe!" Callie yells, running over to him on the ground and placing her hands on his chest. "Josh? Babe? Are you okay? Where's Kaiser?" she throws out, looking up and seeing the empty crib.

            "They took him," Josh says quietly, yelling in pain when he tries to move.

            "Baby look at me," Callie says, moving his face to look at her. She pulls her phone out of her back pocket, dialing 9-1-1.

            "9-1-1, what's your emergency?" Callie hears the operator pick up.

            "Someone broke into my house and took my son. My boyfriend is laying on the ground and he's bleeding, please send someone!" Callie screams.

            "The police will be there soon ma'am," the operator speaks.

             Callie hangs up.

            "Ssh babe, get my phone. Call my boss," Josh groans a little, sliding his hand on Callie's thigh.

             "Where does it hurt?" Callie asks. Josh's phone to her ear, waiting for his boss to pick up.

            "Hello Josh," his boss says, not knowing it's Callie.

            "Everywhere," Josh answers her.

            "This is Josh's girlfriend Callie. He told me to call you. Someone broke in. There's blood everywhere. Josh is right here. He's bleeding. Somebody stole Kaiser," Callie says all in one breath.

             "Did you call the police?"

            "Yes," Callie answers, sliding her hand on Josh's neck making him look at her. "They're on their way.

            "Okay, we're on our way too," he says as the two hang up. Callie focuses all her attention on Josh.

              "Hey, relax. Don't take deep breaths, look at me the whole time. Who was it?" Callie asks, swallowing hard, eyes still watery.

            "There is a gun under the nightstand, get it in case they come back," Josh says quietly. Callie nods, grabbing the gun and moving back over to Josh. The paramedics and cops arrive, and Callie moves to the side. 

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