Chapter 39: Family Dinner

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            The see-through railing looks out over the waterfront with the sun setting in the background as Callie and Josh take their seats at a local seafood restaurant. The Bonefish Grill. It's not too busy but there a few more couples sitting scattered around them.

            "This is beautiful," Callie says. The bottom of her dress flowing with the light breeze in the air. Callie orders their famous Tilapia with rice and steamed broccoli. Josh ordering the Atlantic Salmon with the same sides as Callie.

            Taking a bottle out of Kaiser's bag, Josh lifts his son out of the carrier and places him in his arm to feed him. Kaiser's eyes moving with each sound of the voices around him. His arms and legs making less jerky newborn motions. Kaiser getting stronger each day.

            "Aww, he's so cute. How old is he?" the waitress asks, setting Josh's beer and Callie's glass of water down.

            "Thank you, he's almost two months old," Josh answers.

            "He's already a lady killer apparently," Callie chuckles, setting her glass down as the waitress walks away.

            "Well, he's already stolen his mother's heart, so any other woman is nothing."

            "He's a cutie. We did good," Callie winks. Her eyes scanning the open water and the waves lapping in.

            "Yeah we did."

            Their food arrives and they dig in almost immediately. Josh still holding the little one in his arm. The parents receiving an overwhelming number of compliments on their little human.

            "It's kind of annoying having a cute baby," Callie laughs, taking another bite of her food.

            "Well, if his mother wasn't so damn gorgeous, we wouldn't have this problem."

            "I don't know, his father is pretty handsome also," Callie flirts back. The pair not noticing a couple girls from the team walk over, of course, ogling over Kaiser.

            "Callie, you should let us watch him for the night so you guys can have some alone time," Hannah chimes in.

            "I don't know. I haven't been away from him overnight and it's probably way too soon for that," Callie says.

            "Another time ladies, sorry. He's a little too young for that still," Josh reiterates.

            They sigh, moaning their awes as they are shot down by Josh. 

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