Chapter 30: A Surprise Welcome Home

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            With the passing months, Callie has broken the news to everyone but Josh about her unexpected pregnancy. She's informed her coaches, which in turn, are trying to work with the University to let her keep her scholarship. Her parents having a different reaction. Both her parents angry with Josh which does not come as a shock to her. Josh still gone.

            At home, Callie has begun to show, but not exactly how big she's supposed to be at five months. Her doctor informing her at the last checkup that she was going to be small throughout her pregnancy. Finally, sitting on her couch after cleaning, doing a short workout, and showering, she turns on the TV to settle in for the night. While working on some, the anchors on giving information about a Marine special team that has assassinated several known terrorists. The TV monitor taken over by camera footage from the air of the specific group, all of them in full gear. Her eyes scan the men that look like ants on the screen but continues to listen. A knock on the door interrupts her focus as she sets her book down on the coffee table and pads over to the door.

            "Hey," the man on the other end says.

            "Hey..." Callie repeats, tears instantly filling her eyes.

            Josh steps through the doorway and engulfs her in a hug, hugging her tight as he walks her to the couch. The two sitting down. She sniffles but doesn't want to let go.

             "Shh Cal, it's okay," Josh says, keeping his arms around, holding her head against his chest. "I'm right here," he chuckles a little.

             "Josh, I haven't something to tell you," she says once pulling herself together.

            "What's wrong?"

            "Don't be mad okay?"

            "What happened?" he asks concerned.

            Callie takes a deep breath before exhaling, swallowing hard. Standing up from the couch, she turns to the side and Josh immediately sees it.

            "Are you pregnant?"

             She stops, lifting her shirt. The small belly fully visible. Callie nods.

            "Whose is it?" Josh asks bluntly.

            "What? Whose is it? It's yours," she says offended, letting her shirt fall.

            "You sure about that?" Josh fires back.

            "How can you say that? I've only slept with you."

            "Yeah, and I've been gone for almost four months. I don't know who you've been sleeping with," Josh says.

             "I'm almost six. I was two when you left. It's yours."

            Josh keeps his focus on Callie, wanting to so badly to kiss her and hold her but knowing he has to push her away because of what he does for a living. "There's no way you're six months pregnant."

            "You know what? Fine. My dad was right about you. You haven't changed," Callie shakes her head, tearing up. Josh walking to the door. "Oh, so you're leaving me? You're not going to take responsibility for this? That's real manly Josh," Callie walks after him, grabbing his arm.

            "We were never really together," Josh says, looking down at her hand on his arm and back to her.

            "So, no? You're going to get me pregnant and leave?"

            Josh rips his arm away. "We hooked up, that's all it was," he says coldly.

           Callie can't believe what she's hearing. "Get out. Don't come back. Don't call me, don't nothing," she says on the verge of tears, walking over and grabbing his spare apartment key. "Get the hell out!" she says, throwing the key in his direction.

            Josh's feet are glued to the floor as she throws the key. Once picking it up, he walks out and hears the door slam behind him. 

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