File 39

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"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime."
~Honore de Balzac


"Emmeline!" exclaimed Lily once she made sure.

"Lily," sighed Emmeline gratefully as she removed her foot from Snape's unconscious back to go and hug her best friend.

"How are you alive?" asked Lily.

"That's a very long story, Lils," said Emmeline, "when we get back to Headquarters, I'll explain all that I know."

Lily nodded and then smacked the back of her best friend's head.

"Ouch!" said Emmeline, "but I guess I deserved that."

"Everyone thought you were dead!" said Lily.

"Except you?" guessed Emmeline.

"Of course. You aren't that dumb to go die on me," smiled Lily.

"You betcha," smiled Emmeline.

"Okay, how about we go to Headquarters. Emmeline, you drive while I bandage Lily," said Hestia.

"What the hell happened?" exclaimed James, seemingly finally out of his shocked trance.

"A mystery has been solved," smiled Lily, "well a mystery that has been solved is yet to be explained."

"Lily, heart, that does not explain anything at all," said James with a couple of hand movements.

"Ahhh, James, nice to see you again," smiled Emmeline as she shook his hand.

Poor James, he couldn't respond the shake because he seemed to have gone into yet another deep thought and shocked trance.

"What should we do with Snape's body?" asked Hestia the group.

"We will have to take that to Headquarters," said James, returning back to Earth.

"Before we do, can I do something?" asked Lily.

"Don't tamper with the body," said James as Emmeline said, "what are you going to do?"

Emmeline and James looked at each other while Lily ignored both of their responses and just kicked Snape's body hard in the side of his mid-section.

"Fuck you," said Lily, raising her middle finger at the unconscious body.

"Ouch," laughed Emmeline.

"That's my girlfriend," said James with a certain look in his eyes.

"That's going to bruise," admitted Hestia.

"That felt good," breathed Lily deeply and then looked at the trio, "Headquarters I guess?"


Emmeline drove the car, James sat at shot gun (by the order of all three women), while the two remaining sat in the back seat, making it easier for Hestia to bandage Lily's arm.

"What fell on you in my kitchen to make you bleed?" muttered Hestia, unfortunately loud enough for everyone to hear.

"A piece of large wood," said Lily truthfully.

Hestia laughed and then noticed Lily's expression, "my kitchen is ruined."

"That's what you are worried about?" asked James.

"Nobody is dead, right?" asked Hestia.

"Except if Em knocked The Captor dead," shrugged Lily making her wince.

"Carefully, you're still hurt," said Hestia as she continued fixing the wound.

"How do you know that much about healing?" asked James.

"Took a course," explained the two sisters in the car.

"That explains that, but I still don't have an explanation for this... I don't even have a word for this situation," said James.

"I told you! I'll explain once we are at Headquarters. That way, I don't have to repeat the story, and it's a long one," said Emmeline as she continued driving.

"Wait, where did you stash Snape?" asked James, after a moment of silence.

"In the truck with a little hole for air, although I doubt he'd even wake up. Now, shut up before you join him," said Emmeline.

"No wonder Remus liked you," muttered James, enough for only him to hear, "and no wonder you're Lily's best friend."


Emmeline parked the car in the Headquarters parking lot. She knew that she had a lot of explaining to do and that's why she wanted to do it in one place with everyone there. She didn't want to keep repeating the story since it was long enough to be said once and not more. She wanted one place so any interruptions to the story or smart questions will be heard with everyone there.

In short, she had quite a lot to explain.

"You have a lot to explain," said Lily reading her best friend's mind, as she got out of the car.

"I know," sighed Emmeline.

"Remus was-"

"Remus!" said Emmeline, foeggging her boyfriend for moment there, "oh, he is so going to want to murder me."

"Good thing you are his girlfriend, then," said Lily, "I'm sure he will be more happy to see you than murder you. Plus, if he wants to murder anyone that will soon be in that room mode, it would be that bastard, Benjamin Oscar Fenwick, and I'll be helping him in the murder."

Emmeline laughed, a laugh she hasn't done in a while and a laugh Lily hadn't heard in a while, until the person's name hit her head, "BENJY FENWICK?!"

"A suspect," smiled Lily and clarified, "the ex murdering his ex type of suspected murder from him."

"Benjy controlling woman with his so called seducing skills, I believe. Him committing a murder, I don't believe. Especially to an ex he would have tried to get back to."

"You do realize you fell for those so called seducing skills?" smirked Lily.

"Shut it," said Emmeline, playfully glaring at her best friend.

Lily laughed, "well, Em, let's go and see everyone."

"Are we sure we aren't entering hell at this moment?" asked Emmeline as she looped her arm with Lily's good arm.

"I'm not so sure," said Lily truthfully as she walked with her best friend to the building, Hestia and James trailing behind them.

They entered the building, which didn't have that much of a crowd, and walked until they reached the office.

"This it?" Emmeline asked the group.

When they nodded to her, Emmeline opened the door to find a pacing Peter.

"There-" he stopped pacing and looked at them with wide eyes, "are you Emmeline Vance?"

"Either you are a detective or a fan," nodded Emmeline, trying to analyze the man in front of her.

"That's detective Pettigrew who might also be a fan," explained James as he went to his desk to grab his phone.

"Wormtail, I want you to get Kaisley Vance, wherever she is, and bring the suspects," said James, guessing that Kaisley and Bellatrix might be currently hanging out.

Peter nodded and fled the room.

"And what are you going to do?" inquired a curious Emmeline.

"I'm calling the rest and getting my questions ready," said James as he opened his phone.

"Get ready for hell," whispered Lily to Emmeline as if it was some secret they were sharing in their teenage years.

Emmeline groaned, "Hell, here I come."

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