File 9

165 15 112

"Saying 'have a nice day' to someone sounds friendly...
But saying 'enjoy your next 24 hours' sounds threatening."


It was 7 a.m.

James Potter and Vero Taapen were in the detective's office.

They were the only two there at this time in the morning because the rest were still asleep or on their way.

"The sister seems suspicious," stated Vero all of a sudden.

"What?" asked James.

"The sister seems suspicious," repeated Vero.

"Don't be silly."

"I'm not being silly. I'm serious, and don't you dar-"

"Still, it can't be the sister," said James, going back to his papers.


"It just... it just can't?" said James, stating his statement as a question. He wasn't sure why he was defending the sister, after all it could be a possibility.

"We've had victim's siblings committing the murder before."

"But it's not that common. Murders themselves aren't that common, thank god."

"Don't you think they have been rising lately?" asked Vero.

"What do you mean?" asked James.

"Three months ago, Lucius Malfoy got murdered and they've filled it as a heart attack," said Vero, as he handed James a newspaper.

Lucius Malfoy Death Cause

Lucius Malfoy was at a pub when he got a sudden gasp and was dead the next minute. The detectives have concluded that it was a heart attack due to the fact he was clutching his chest. An anonymous person wanted to point out that, and I quote, "Lucius Malfoy didn't have heart problems." Maybe it happened all of a sudden, or was it something else?

"Are they always against us with questions?" asked James.

"It seems so. They are the Daily Prophet. They have to have some suspense somehow."

James just grunted and went back to his work.


Lily was back from her talk with Narcissa. They stayed and watched as the sun rose, showing a brand new day full of god knows what, and then bid each other goodbye.

Lily changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a white shirt and wrapped her hair into a low ponytail.

Honestly, she didn't care how she looked. She cared that she, just as Kaisley wants to do, proves her best friend is not dead.

She looked at her emerald green painted nails and her conversation with James last night. That's when all her thoughts started flying into her mind, making Lily sigh.

Why did she have to go into hiding?

She probably asked herself that question a million times.

Why did she?

Well, that was obvious.

So, he doesn't catch up with her and kill her.


They were all in the office. The suspects scattered around while the detectives worked on their desks.

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