File 7

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"I hug the people that I hate so much so I know how big to dig the hole in my backyard."


Interrogations are starting.
That's always interesting, right? Seeing people interrogate each other and see how they act. Most people notice the body language because they think that the body tells you more. Well, how do you know that they aren't forcing certain body moves to trick you?

"Mrs. McKinnon," said Peter, as he sat down across Marlene, "I'd like we go this the friendly way. You can call me Peter."

"Then, you can call me Marlene, Peter," said Marlene, with a bright smile on her face.

Peter smiled and opened her file ready "So, you said you had a son?"

"Oh, yes. Oliver."

"Okay, Marlene, so can you tell me how you know Emmeline?"

"I work with her. Technically, I'm always assigned to look over Mary and Emmeline at work. Let me just tell you, their partner work is wonderful! They just work together as if they have been the best of friends for a long time."

Peter nodded, "have you ever talked to Emmeline?"

"On a few occasions. Let me just tell you she is an angel! Oh, and her voice! She has sung a bit at work occasions and I sometimes wonder how big producers do it notice her!"

Peter started to conclude that Marlene McKinnon was a chatter, and he did not have the patience to listen to her talk about everything. His patience was not always the best. It was like a melting ice, it got thinner over time.


Sirius Black was questioning Mary Macdonald, and let's just say the suspect's patience was the one running thin.

"So, let's start this with a very important question, Mary Macdonald."


"Are you related to the creators of McDonald's?"

Mary sighed. Oh, how many times she got asked and bullied because of her surname.

"The founders are Maurice and Richard McDonald. No, I am not related to them."

That was always her planned answer, yet she still got bullied because of it. Even now. Rarely does she find people who won't bat an eyelid at her surname.

"Are you sure?"

"Aren't you suppose to interrogate me with questions about the case?"

"Yes, yes, yes. We will get to that," Sirius said, waving a hand in the air.

"I could tell your boss."


"No, the other one who sends you warning looks whenever you ask or do something stupid."

"Ah, dear old Frank. It's best if we don't mention it to him, but do you know what you just used?"

"What?" asked Mary

"Blackmail. How do I not know you used blackmail to get Emmeline Vance killed?"

"Do I look like a blackmailer?" Asked Mary, one eyebrow raised, "and don't you think that's a bit to much?"

"Anyone can look like a blackmailer. About your second question, nothing is a bit too much with murder."

"Aren't there planner questions?"

"Someone is in a rush," muttered Sirius, but what he really thought was maybe the innocent is not so innocent?


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